Wednesday, 31 March 2021
Monday, 29 March 2021
Sunday, 28 March 2021
Hit Points and how to lose them
Are the characters, NPCs and monsters just variously sized fleshy meat-bags of HPs?
Interestingly though, there are two provisos to this that add a little nuance.
'Massive damage' is D&Ds way of making falling from a great height or falling into boiling larva more dangerous. If you take more than 50 points of damage in a single instance, you must make a Fortitude save: DC:15 or be killed regardless of how many HPs you'd have left. That'd be dangerous enough to stop me jumping from clifftops regardless of a character having 100+ HPs.
'Helpless' refers to being unable to protect yourself from having your throat slit with a 'Coup de Grace'.
'Coup de Grace' means the attacker, with a 'Full round action' is able to automatically hit and score a 'Critical Hit'. Even if the 'Helpless' victim survives this damage, they must make a Fortitude save: DC: 10 + the damage dealt or die!
'Disabled' means that you can only take one action. If that action is an attack, you lose another HP and become 'Unconscious'.
(The 'range' of just 1 seems a little silly to me but I suppose that's what the 'Die Hard' feat is for.)
'Unconscious' means that you are at -1 to -9 HPs and you lose an additional HP per round until you either 'Stabilise' or die.
You get a 10% chance of naturally 'Stabilising' per round.
A 'Healing' skill check of DC:15 allows another character or NPC to 'Stabilise' an 'Unconscious' character.
Another PC or NPC casting a healing spell or force feeding a 'Cure' potion will also bring the character up to 'Conscious' again with full autonomy or at the very least 'Stabilise' them.
Once a character falls to '-10' HPs, they're dead with their only recourse a 'Raise Dead' spell or equivalent.
This leads to some urgency in tending to the dying.
The Monster manual does state that monsters heal at a rate of 1 point per Hit Dice per day.
This at least means that they can heal but not whether than can be 'Disabled' or 'Dying'. i.e. Drop below 1HP.
Monday, 22 March 2021
To sleep perchance to....
Fortu rolled desperately aside, the huge warhammer thudding into the blood soaked sand, sending a spray of grit into his eyes. Blinking rapidly he continued to roll, sweat and sand blurring his vision his hand miraculously finding the familiar hilt of a bastard sword. Rising to a crouch and sweeping blindly behind he hears the satisfying crunch as tempered steel tears through skin, muscle and bone. The agonised cry of his attacker heard over the baying crowd.
Coming to his feet he sees the balcony above, the bloated eager face of the owner leering down with anticipation at further bloodshed.
"Shield" he roars sprinting to the base of the wall, the gladiator there instinctively bracing the shield horizontally. Charging towards the balcony he launches himself from the shield, sword thrown aside, he reaches for the balustrade. Pulling himself over the railing he sidesteps the over eager guard and helps him over into the pit.
Hands reach for the owners head, thumbs finding purchase in eye sockets, as he screams. The screams falter as Fortu cracks the head back against the marble wall then brings it forward where his forehead smashes the nose. Blood explodes across the owners face as Fortu again cracks the head back; the pristine white marble now smeared red. Lifting the body above his head....
Fortu jolts awake, the vivid dream fading quickly. All that he can remember is the ruined face of the owner. The face of Lord Briefedel.
Sunday, 21 March 2021
A Twist in the Tale
Creeping ever closer, he sniffs the air but smells danger mixed in with the smokey, burning flesh.
Another smell.. Not a fox... Not a wolf... A dog but a monstrously large one!
His stomach rumbles loudly but he daren't move from his hiding spot.
Maybe they'd leave some tasty tid-bits after they'd finished?
Hours pass and one by one the tottery-two-legs wander away from the sparkling fire to sleep, leaving just the smallest of them awake. The big four-legs are tethered and although the giant dog is lying near the smallest two-legs, he's reassured by the slobbery snoring.
His tail held low to hide its white tip, he slowly edges forward and as soon as the littlest totterer moves away, he bolts forward and snatches up some of the discarded pheasant bones.
There's still plenty of sweet meet on them and, although it might be due to the many days since he was separated from his family and eaten, he'd never tasted anything so delicious.
A flickering shadow to his right and his sharp ears alert him of danger and he's already sprinting, full pelt, back through the bushes, before the totterer was even close.
Tuesday, 16 March 2021
Training Montage
Friday, 12 March 2021
Do we play or do we go now?
It’s been nearly four months since our last online session and over a month since my last overblown Orange-inn expositional post. I’ve hope...
Thought of the fantastic header above and considered myself a true genius. Sadly, after checking online, I found that this joke had been mad...
Welcome back to the world of Fissa gentle (and not so gentle) men! For slightly over a hundred years, life has been good. Since the long a...
Assif asked the question after the last session; “Why should we care about Sir Briefadel ?” It’s simultaneously a fair and unfair question...