Sunday, 2 March 2025

Do we play or do we go now?

It’s been nearly four months since our last online session and over a month since my last overblown Orange-inn expositional post. I’ve hopefully managed to wring every relevant bit of campaign backstory out of my head and into our shared consciousness and allowed myself a small respite from my own compulsive madness. Now though, we need to make the group decision whether we want to continue forward together with this campaign or not? 

Will the stoic, ex-gladiator; Fortu be prepared to continue putting his newly found freedom and life on the line in the aid of the small ‘g’ goddess; Estrid, whom he still doesn’t entirely trust?

Is the phenomenally skillful, Elvish archer; Arowe’s high-drama desire for fame and adventure still not satiated, or is he now content to return home to his noble Mother and wastrel of a Father in Glendorne?

Does the now, ‘older but wiser’ Halfling; Liga Bur take his recent Druidic vow to the ‘Circle of the Scale’ to mean the end of his commitment to his friends and their shared mission?

If so, will the vengeful and ambitious Sir Briefadel manage to raise his demon army and swarm through his Father’s kingdom and the lands beyond unopposed? 

If the three of you are still feeling the itch for adventure, let me know here, so I can start planning ahead and, if so, do we want to continue playing on-line or in-person? Three-hour, regular monthly, Saturday morning blocks, sat at our own home desks or quarterly game weekends down at the ‘Cottage of Doom’?

If you collectively, all actively want to continue, let me know how you’d prefer to proceed? I’m more than happy to carry on, as I’m (after my brief sabbatical) still enjoying the game and am eager to know what happens next? 

Who is the mysterious and powerful, demonic benefactor that the Hag; Hetzabah is going to petition to help her son?

Is her erstwhile husband; Lord Urdurel still sound enough of mind and body to realistically command a force to oppose her?

It’s entirely up to the three of you, both practically and figuratively. If you go there will be trouble, if you stay it will be double. So come on and let me know…


  1. For me there is a CLASH of two big questions: do I want to keep playing D&D with you guys, and do I want to continue with this story and campaign. The no brainer is that yes, I absolutely want to keep playing D&D with you guys, it is important for more reasons than the game itself. The answer to the second question is less easy. I think I would actually like to start fresh with a new character and story. Right from level 1 (or maybe 3).
    There is one more question: where to play? I would like to be able to mix it up with regular on-line games mixed up with cottage-of-doom and at-someones-house days.

    1. Typical of D&D; I offer you a series of options and you choose one that hadn’t considered! 😂

  2. I think one of the attractions of D&D was character creation, so I'm a lil bit with Assif for a fresh start. But then I feel bad that Scott just revamped Liga Bur. I'm sure we can decide how to go on, I'm definitley up for on-line mixed with Cottage (house) of Doom.

    1. House of Doom sounds much less friendly.

  3. Here's the thing chaps... I haven't finished refreshing Liga Bur yet anyway, so would also be up for a revamp. I might even make a character that doesn't suck this time!

    But could we start from like, level 3 or 4?
    Level 1 characters are so squishy 🤣

  4. Thoughts, dear DM?
    Fancy a new game? Fresh ideas, less baggage, new characters, renewed enthusiasm? I may even play a magic-based character :D


Do we play or do we go now?

It’s been nearly four months since our last online session and over a month since my last overblown Orange-inn expositional post. I’ve hope...