Monday, 22 March 2021

To sleep perchance to....

 Fortu rolled desperately aside, the huge warhammer thudding into the blood soaked sand, sending a spray of grit into his eyes. Blinking rapidly he continued to roll, sweat and sand blurring his vision his hand miraculously finding the familiar hilt of a bastard sword. Rising to a crouch and sweeping blindly behind he hears the satisfying crunch as tempered steel tears through skin, muscle and bone. The agonised cry of his attacker heard over the baying crowd.

Coming to his feet he sees the balcony above, the bloated eager face of the owner leering down with anticipation at further bloodshed.

"Shield" he roars sprinting to the base of the wall, the gladiator there instinctively bracing the shield horizontally. Charging towards the balcony he launches himself from the shield, sword thrown aside, he reaches for the balustrade. Pulling himself over the railing he sidesteps the over eager guard and helps him over into the pit.

Hands reach for the owners head, thumbs finding purchase in eye sockets, as he screams. The screams falter as Fortu cracks the head back against the marble wall then brings it forward where his forehead smashes the nose. Blood explodes across the owners face as Fortu again cracks the head back; the pristine white marble now smeared red. Lifting the body above his head....

Fortu jolts awake, the vivid dream fading quickly. All that he can remember is the ruined face of the owner. The face of Lord Briefedel.


  1. I will not compete with all your amazing pieces set to song, so just to keep Kirk cheery I've added a little something. Seriously hats off to you all for your posts.

  2. Ooh, I love it. He dreams of smashing in the lord's head. This is going to get tasty!

    And, I would say there is nothing less in your prose than in my hackneyed attempt at poetry.

    Scott however surpassed us all with the full rewritten song lyrics.

    Bravo all!!

  3. That's a mighty big chip on your shoulder!

  4. Remind me not to stand between Briefidel and Fortu!


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