Friday, 3 July 2020

Return to the Fissanian Planet

Welcome back to the world of Fissa gentle (and not so gentle) men!
For slightly over a hundred years, life has been good.
Since the long ago death of the Dragon queen, there have (apparently) been no major wars, natural disasters or evil, potentially world destroying, plots.
During this last century, the peoples of Fissa have all flourished. The Elves have prospered in their forests, the Dwarven ranks have grown beneath their underground Kingdoms and even the Orcish hordes (since their near total annihilation under Thereanthor's heel) have swollen back to near their previous numbers.
Fortunately, for the other races, the Orcs have mostly stayed within their traditional 'broken' lands, with the numerous tribes battling each-other, rather than mounting wars beyond their own borders.
None of the other races though have been as prolific as the clever and versatile Humans. Their rapidly expanding population and influence have spread throughout the known lands and advanced even further into the uncharted wilds...


  1. oh I get it...
    so is this another hundred years after the heroic escapades of Volkon, Bastien and Nitendae?
    Would this mean that Volkon and Bastien have past from this mortal realm and died of old age?!

  2. No. Your new characters will start around the same time your old characters stopped.
    You will be in a different (but very similar) part of Fissa though.

  3. Damn those prolific humans...

  4. I made the same mistake, is not another 100 years, just a hundred and a bit years since Theranthor was killed. So we would potentially know of the exploits of our previous heroes. That's move though.


Do we play or do we go now?

It’s been nearly four months since our last online session and over a month since my last overblown Orange-inn expositional post. I’ve hope...