How about April?
I'm (currently) free:
Sat 10 / Sun 11
Sat 17 / Sun 18
Sat 24 / Sun 28
The latter two dates might work better for me, but I'm not too precious.
It’s been nearly four months since our last online session and over a month since my last overblown Orange-inn expositional post. I’ve hope...
Thanks again Scott.
ReplyDeleteAs I said in our last session, I'm aiming for once-a-month games of about three hours a go.
That seems to be my sweet spot, as it gives me time to both reminisce about the last one and plan for the next one.
Three hours is also the point my brain begins to fry due to the on-line element of it. It also makes manageable the 11 hour time difference.
Therefore, I'd prefer Sunday the 28th.
Just to be clear though, are you suggesting 9am Sunday morning for the UK and 8pm Oz?
Not the weekend 10/11 but the other two are fine. Prefer UK mornings if possible.
ReplyDeleteWait, spotted the typo too late.
ReplyDeleteI mean Sunday the 25th.
I'm ok for Sunday 25th
ReplyDeleteOK. So Sunday 25th. My evening your morning?
ReplyDeleteWe'll need to keep an eye on clock changes...
ReplyDeleteCurrent time zone difference is ten hours, so unless it changes in the meantime, 9am for UKers and 7pm for Scott.