Creeping ever closer, he sniffs the air but smells danger mixed in with the smokey, burning flesh.
Another smell.. Not a fox... Not a wolf... A dog but a monstrously large one!
His stomach rumbles loudly but he daren't move from his hiding spot.
Maybe they'd leave some tasty tid-bits after they'd finished?
Hours pass and one by one the tottery-two-legs wander away from the sparkling fire to sleep, leaving just the smallest of them awake. The big four-legs are tethered and although the giant dog is lying near the smallest two-legs, he's reassured by the slobbery snoring.
His tail held low to hide its white tip, he slowly edges forward and as soon as the littlest totterer moves away, he bolts forward and snatches up some of the discarded pheasant bones.
There's still plenty of sweet meet on them and, although it might be due to the many days since he was separated from his family and eaten, he'd never tasted anything so delicious.
A flickering shadow to his right and his sharp ears alert him of danger and he's already sprinting, full pelt, back through the bushes, before the totterer was even close.
After his heart beat slows down from its terrified thunder, he shudders and licks his lips. He'd managed to gulp down enough food for the night but he knew he'd be hungry again by tomorrow.
And although that meat was weirdly hot and peppery, he'd never had anything so amazing and had to taste it again.
The next morning, he trails them. Considering the size of the group and his nose, it's not difficult. They travel all day but at a relatively slow pace and set up camp as before.
Repeating his successful plan from the previous night, it all goes well and he has a mouthful of succulent rabbit this time when he hears the small guard.
He's already spinning to flee when he stops suddenly...
Did the that guard just say 'Hello little friend'?
Unconsciously dropping his mouthful, eyes wide, he stares at the strange creature addressing him. He's the smallest but nimblest of the two-legs.
Confused, all he can think to say is, 'What?'
Squatting down to make himself less threatening, the totterer spreads his hands wide and softly speaks again.
'Come, take your fill. There'll be some for you every night, if you want it.'
Suspiciously, eyes narrowed again, he glances over to the big, slobbery dog. It's awake and watching but still lying where it was.
Tentatively he slinks back up to the fire and gobbles down the rest of the meal as the guard continues.
'All you have to do is look out for other... two-legs like us and come warn us beforehand.'
Tilting his head to the side and running his tongue around his teeth, he considers the proposal for a moment.
'I can do that but first... Please Sir, I want some more.'
That's a great perspective. Brings it alive!