Saturday, 24 December 2022

Oasis: Wonderwell

After successfully scaling the inside of the brick well, Liga Burr sneaks a quick peek over the lip of the circular stonework, his short but able fingers confidently gripping the rough edge. Gazing quickly around, despite the heat-haze, the sharp-eyed Halfling realises that the odd, leafy green canopy overhead is actually shielding them from the worst of the fiery blaze of the large, bulbous, yellow sun. Squinting up, he also spots a second, smaller, redder one over its shoulder, further contributing its extra heat.

Two suns!

This world's extreme heat though, is still a welcome change from the recent bitter iciness of frozen Kik-ri and, despite still being in the shade, his clothes are already half dry. 

Under the lush trees and bushes all around them, a soft, ochre coloured sand surrounds, not just the well, but the ground beyond. The strange, spindly trees vary in height but several of them reach perhaps thirty feet at their angled zenith. It also looks like bunches of weird, giant nuts are hanging from near the top, just under the sail-like fronds.

The air is sweet and fragrant with the scent of exotic fruits and flowers, but also... with an underlying acrid smell of cold iron, blood and death.

A few yards away from the well, lies a darkly bearded man, face down in the sand. He's dressed in blood stained, loosely wrapped, but expensive looking silks, a head scarf and strange curly toed boots. A wickedly curved knife has fallen inches from his swarthy, outstretched hand. Watching his chest for any sign of breath, it soon becomes apparent that the man is quite dead.

There's also a monstrously large snake hanging limp and lifeless from a sloping trunk, about twenty feet above and ahead. Its forked tongue lolling out of its gaping maw, its grey, glassy eyes, unblinking and its scaly skin pierced by a dozen, very precise looking sword thrusts. The creature's dried blood has dripped down and stained the sand, further darkening its shadow, directly below it.

Despite being tricked by Sir Briefadel twice now, Liga Burr is still confident that the body is... was… Zephyr, the 'Circle of the Scale' Druid - Guardian of this Desert world. Bad luck for him but proof positive, that they're at least on the right track this time!

After sensing nothing moving nearby, Liga Burr strains his much-scarred but sensitive ears for the sound of anything or anyone moving around in the undergrowth. Weirdly though, he hears nothing. No creeping footsteps behind the bushes, no animal noises. Nothing at all. Not even the drone of buzzing insects.

Beside him, helped by Arowe, Rifkin and Fortu, pushing his keen nose above the well lip, his faithful hound; Mir Hundur sniffs at the air and growls suspiciously...

Tuesday, 20 December 2022

It sounds like a nice place...

 Fortu notes; scribed by Pratchet the bard

The life, freedom,....death of Fortu the ex pit fighter.

During my journey back with Fortu I shared many evenings chatting and teaching the scared pit fighter. I was always reminded that he was not un-intelligent but rather un-taught. He would pick things up quickly and question when he needed clarification. Due to his initial limited vocabulary we would be talking at crossed purposes; he told me that he hoped that eventually he would go to a place called Vale harbour. I was intrigued as although I consider my self well travelled, I'd never heard of the place. He insisted that many a gladiator when entering battle would cry out Vale harbour beckons, he said it was a place where those who died in battle were taken to spend their eternity drinking and feasting with the gods. It took a moment for me to finally realise he meant Valhalla.

Saturday, 17 December 2022

Never tell me the Odds!

After our conversations about the placement of magic items, I revisited the Dungeon Master's Guide to check if my distribution of magic weapons, potions and armour was even remotely close to its suggestions...

It wasn't.

Taken as written and paying no attention to what the player's characters use or what they want, the chance of getting any specific item is miniscule!

Take for example, Liga Burr's +3 silver Kukri...

Firstly, it's a mid-level magical item and shouldn't have even been available until you all hit level six, so zero probability, but ignoring that error...

The chance of finding a lone mid-level magical item after a 'challenging' sixth level encounter: 57%

The chance of it being a Weapon: 10%

The chance of it being a Small weapon: 30%

The chance of it being an Uncommon weapon: 10%

The chance of it being a Kukri: 3%

The chance of it being +3: 28%

The chance of it being Silver (Weirdly no rule for this, so lets just say for fun's sake): 5%

The chance of it generating Light: 30%

Scott'd have to work this out properly but I'd estimate this to be approximately: 0.00001%

Fortu's Platemail of the Deep and Arowe's +2 Composite Longbow for a strength score of 14 are equally, if not even more improbable.

Finding random magical crap is part of the game but I think it's fair to 'slightly' tip the odds in the Party's favour.

Finally, just for comparison, each character should have gear to the value of 13,000gp by 6th level.

Liga Burr's small, silver, +3 Kukri by itself has a book value of 18,328gp

Fortu's Platemail of the deep has a book value of 24,650gp

Arowe's +2 Composite bow for 14 strength has a book value of 8,600gpk

In hindsight, I think you boys are actually doing pretty well!


Saturday, 10 December 2022

The Goddess, the King and the Prince

King of the nomadic centaurs; Rozinante, listens carefully to the small songbird warbling into his slightly pointed ear. Immediately, after hearing the message, he sends a young guard to run and fetch his eldest son.

Less than an hour later, his handsome heir, pushes aside the heavy, draped cloth and enters the tent.
"Tsigan, my beloved boy. I've just been contacted by Estrid."

Tossing back his long and luscious, chestnut mane, Prince Tsigan frowns.

"What is it Father? Has the Goddess of the pool requested our aid?"

The silver haired Rozinante, smiles wryly.

"Not... directly. It appears that she's passed on her magical charm bracelet, and with it our promise, to the very adventurer you very, nearly killed just a few weeks past."

The heavyset centaur's frown softens.

"You mean Arowe of Glendorne? Why, in Skerrit's name, would she have done that?!"

The old leader of the centaurs, strokes his wild beard a while before answering.

"I can only guess that the Goddess had dire need of the elf's help. Help that she had to barter heavily for. Apparently, she sent the whole lot of them down through the underwater portal and out into the void beyond."

Tsigan, scrapes the ground with his hoof.

"So, now those four adventurers can magically summon me from anywhere, anyworld, for a single hour, in a time of need?"

Rozinante nods.

"Considering she sent them into the Givrad void, I imagine, when it comes, wherever it comes from, it'll be in a time of desperate need!"

Smiling widely to reassure his Father, Tsigan reveals a set of perfect, pearly-white teeth.

"Well Father, if that's the Goddess' will, I'll be ready. Our blood debt will be repaid in full, even if it costs me my life."

The remnants of Rozinante's smile fades completely in response to his son's bravado and an expression of grim resolve replaces it.

"I pray, for my heart's sake and for our people, that it won't come to that."

Saturday, 3 December 2022

The Ice Giant and the Snow Owl

After filling a second large barrel with the ice-holes magical water of 'Heat resistance', the sixteen-foot-tall frost giant; Droofin shakes the freezing beads of water from his braided hair and beard.

He backs further from the hovering waterfall portal and steps over the lower, second ice barrier, before addressing his fluffy, white companion.

"Vell Uurgle, thaat waas the loongest conveersation I've haad with eenyone oother thaan yooo in oover three years. I doo hope theey're successful in catching that naasty Sir Brieefaadel."

The large snowy owl blinks while perched on the heavy wooden sled handle and hoots dolefully in response.

"Doon't yoou woorry yoou greedy bird. I doubt wee'll haave to share anymoore of our dinner aagain for anoother feew years."

Dragging his now, mostly empty, gigantic sled, the two of them head back to Droofin's cottage fortress. The weak, watery sun is already setting as they get to the filleted carcass of the insectoid Remorhaz.

"I'll haave tooo catch and train anoother of these though, juust in caase... I shoould also report back to Thoornberg..."

Do we play or do we go now?

It’s been nearly four months since our last online session and over a month since my last overblown Orange-inn expositional post. I’ve hope...