Saturday, 10 December 2022

The Goddess, the King and the Prince

King of the nomadic centaurs; Rozinante, listens carefully to the small songbird warbling into his slightly pointed ear. Immediately, after hearing the message, he sends a young guard to run and fetch his eldest son.

Less than an hour later, his handsome heir, pushes aside the heavy, draped cloth and enters the tent.
"Tsigan, my beloved boy. I've just been contacted by Estrid."

Tossing back his long and luscious, chestnut mane, Prince Tsigan frowns.

"What is it Father? Has the Goddess of the pool requested our aid?"

The silver haired Rozinante, smiles wryly.

"Not... directly. It appears that she's passed on her magical charm bracelet, and with it our promise, to the very adventurer you very, nearly killed just a few weeks past."

The heavyset centaur's frown softens.

"You mean Arowe of Glendorne? Why, in Skerrit's name, would she have done that?!"

The old leader of the centaurs, strokes his wild beard a while before answering.

"I can only guess that the Goddess had dire need of the elf's help. Help that she had to barter heavily for. Apparently, she sent the whole lot of them down through the underwater portal and out into the void beyond."

Tsigan, scrapes the ground with his hoof.

"So, now those four adventurers can magically summon me from anywhere, anyworld, for a single hour, in a time of need?"

Rozinante nods.

"Considering she sent them into the Givrad void, I imagine, when it comes, wherever it comes from, it'll be in a time of desperate need!"

Smiling widely to reassure his Father, Tsigan reveals a set of perfect, pearly-white teeth.

"Well Father, if that's the Goddess' will, I'll be ready. Our blood debt will be repaid in full, even if it costs me my life."

The remnants of Rozinante's smile fades completely in response to his son's bravado and an expression of grim resolve replaces it.

"I pray, for my heart's sake and for our people, that it won't come to that."


  1. Tsigan feels the harsh pull of the charm bracelet on his very soul, he has a moment to smile adoringly at his surrounding friends and family knowing this may well be the last time he sees them. As his vision and nausea clears he expects the worse as he is deafened by the roar of a crowd of baying humans. He quickly locates the lithe form of Arowe "what is this foul place" he neighs.
    Arowe calmly sits back and says "its the 14;15 at Haydock, we have all our gold on you in this 1/4mile flat race, do us proud"

    1. You take all that centaurian love and pathos and turn it into a horse race joke?!
      Actually, in fairness, this does demonstrate that the 'Charm heroes' can be summoned for anything, not just combat.

  2. I just like letting you know I read your posts and get enjoyment from them and the comments :)

    1. Thanks Cuz'. I try to make them funny and informative and i know everyone's busy with real life stuff but it does feel like I'm shouting into the wind sometimes.

  3. A1 tier comment game.
    All i can think of is that there is a good chance Tsigan might have a quiver of arrows when he is summoned!

    1. Right (really clever) thought, wrong charm creature though.
      Large centaur Tsigan's arrows are too big. Medium sized Satyr Magritte's however...

  4. So... We could summon him, give him a shopping list, send him back, wait a day, and summon him again...?!

    1. Clever, clever, clever! Except each charm can only be used once. You could ask the current charm member to pass on the request to the next one though...


Do we play or do we go now?

It’s been nearly four months since our last online session and over a month since my last overblown Orange-inn expositional post. I’ve hope...