Saturday, 3 December 2022

The Ice Giant and the Snow Owl

After filling a second large barrel with the ice-holes magical water of 'Heat resistance', the sixteen-foot-tall frost giant; Droofin shakes the freezing beads of water from his braided hair and beard.

He backs further from the hovering waterfall portal and steps over the lower, second ice barrier, before addressing his fluffy, white companion.

"Vell Uurgle, thaat waas the loongest conveersation I've haad with eenyone oother thaan yooo in oover three years. I doo hope theey're successful in catching that naasty Sir Brieefaadel."

The large snowy owl blinks while perched on the heavy wooden sled handle and hoots dolefully in response.

"Doon't yoou woorry yoou greedy bird. I doubt wee'll haave to share anymoore of our dinner aagain for anoother feew years."

Dragging his now, mostly empty, gigantic sled, the two of them head back to Droofin's cottage fortress. The weak, watery sun is already setting as they get to the filleted carcass of the insectoid Remorhaz.

"I'll haave tooo catch and train anoother of these though, juust in caase... I shoould also report back to Thoornberg..."

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