Monday, 30 November 2020

Bard up a Tree

Though not the best climber, Rifkin is up the thick trunked oak tree like a squirrel after hazelnuts.
Looking down, he's grateful that the hundreds of swarming rats had changed target after the Halfling Liga Burr and his dog crossed their paths.
He's about 150' from the main building and apparently safe for the moment. Catching his breath from the sprint and climb, the lightly elven touched Bard looks back along his path.
The rats seem to be behaving in a highly organised manner. The smaller ones holding formation with the much larger ones hanging back until the enemy are weakened. 
Also, though nearly out of earshot, those damn panpipes are still sounding through the dense mist surrounding the small island.

Wednesday, 25 November 2020

Mystic Mog

As the adventurers exit her incense filled tent, Madame Morgana's brow furrows. Beckoning her coal black cat over to her from where it had been hiding from the great big slobbering dog, she muses aloud.

 "There's more to those adventurers than I'd initially thought. Shall we keep our eye on them?"

The cat gazes up with a bored look on its beautiful predatory face and purrs in response.

"I thought all four of them looked like idiots."

The old lady laughs.

"Perhaps you're right puss. Let's just see what we shall see."

Monday, 23 November 2020

Rattus Interuptus

What should have been an easy in-and-out assignment has turned into something vastly more life threatening.

The pay of twenty gold each for such a simple mission should have given them pause but still, the way Sir Briafadel had pitched it so casually had soothed away any ill feelings.

All had seemed peaceful at the tannery at first and even when they found the dead bodies of the workers, nothing felt threatening. It was only when they discovered the rat-catcher Hamlin's body hanging from the rafters and heard the creepy melody of those unnerving pan-pipes, that they realised something was horribly awry.

Swarms of disease-ridden rats rushed into the main two-story building, squeezing through the wide cracks between boards and under the ill-fitting doors. Worse though was to follow. The boar they'd encountered on the journey had been big for its breed but these giant rats were monstrous. At least the size of wild dogs and twice as vicious!

Trapped in the large, rickety, thatched building, the heavily armoured Fortu, the lithe elven Arowe and the terrified Rifkin were driven up into the upper mezzanine. Despite his fear, the vain Bard tried to inspire his friends with his heartening tunes, the armoured Fighter swept at the rats with his mighty sword and the flaxen haired archer fired multiple shots while hanging upside-down, halfway up the secured ladder.

Undeterred though, the rats pursued them, scampering up the wooden walls with ease and swarming over all three of them. In a panic Rifkin threw himself off the railless balcony, injuring himself in the fall but still able to flee out of the nearest door and back into the woods. Fortu and Arowe though, despite their revulsion, stood their ground and fought on, slowly grinding their opposition down. Arowe only gulping down his precious healing potion and leaping down, once assured that his human companion could handle the upper floor remainder on his own. Once again down on the floor he loosed many of his near namesake arrows at the nearest and largest of the dire rats. His path to freedom though, still blocked by hundreds of the remaining vile creatures.

The wild halfling Liga Burr and his massive riding dog chose a different tactic. As soon as they sensed the danger, as a team, they dashed out of the barn-like building in an attempt to draw the seething mass of rats away from the others. Unfortunately it was only partially successful, as the carpet of rats parted like water with only about half of them flowing after them.

Further disaster struck as, after opening up a slight lead, Mir Hurdur leapt a large pipe leading to the water only to land on magically sharped stones all alongside the riverbank. Hobbled and bleeding, the heavy dog managed to limp to one of the store building just in time for his rider to loose a few arrows into the eerie mist suddenly arisen around a small island in the stream and slam the door behind them.

Binding his loyal companions bloody paws, Liga Burr wonders who the musician hiding in the mist is but his musings are cut short by the more immediate scratching outside...

What's the Damage Son?

 Weird leaving a battle mid-way but a probable reality of our new gaming situation.

After all the various rat bites, small and tiny, I think everyone is injured. The question is by how much?

Mir Hundur has so far avoided any rat bites but got his paws ripped up by the sharp-stoned riverbank.

(Binding his wounds reversed his hobbled effect but healed no HP damage.)

Arrow quaffed a healing draft but may still be injured.

Fortu is definitely below maximum.

Not sure if Liga Burr has been touched by the rats yet?

Can everybody please list both their full (maximum) and current HPs?

Also, did anyone fail their 'Filth fever' rat disease save? 

(I think Fortu might've but I didn't note it down,)

Sunday, 22 November 2020

Initiative as we left it. 22.11.2020

Liga Bur -17

Dire Rats - 12

Francis - 9

Rifkin - 8

Arowe - 4

Swarm Rats - 4

Fortu - 4

Koenig - 1

Saturday, 21 November 2020

You can call me Al

Fascinated but cautious Arowe winds his way among the stalls and rides.  The Big Wheel looks like fun, but he doesn't entirely trust those leaping hobbit-folk with all the ropes, so doesn't risk a go.

Of all the weird and wacky stalls, one catches his eye : A mess of thorns, twigs and thatch twisted together into a weird sort of druidic gazebo with a wisp of smoke coming out of a short chimney at the top. The name Al Khem's Aisles of Delight on the sign only added to the appeal for Arowe as did the shelves strewn with flasks, bottles and gourds of every kind.

Arowe goes in and emerges again a mere few minutes later clutching a bag of thorns and goo that Al himself assured him would tangle anyone who stepped in it. In his pocket though was something potentially more useful.  Arowe's fear of spiders and snakes had been in control of his purse when he bought the bottle of Antitoxin.  And a damn good idea it was too!

[Arowe buys a Tanglefoot Bag and a bottle of Antitoxin]

everything at a fair price

 Fortu strolls around the place, totally bemused by the hussle and bussle, but with a permanent grin. Never having had the freedom before he enjoyed moving around the fair. Stopping outside Vitalli's Potent Potions as the owner cry's out the unbelievable benefits of his wares. "so if I drink this small flask I will stop bleeding and the cuts will heal?" Fortu asks incredulously.

"yes fine sir and its good for other ailments too, wont do any good for your existing scars mind"

"how much then?" 

Friday, 20 November 2020

Posting Bonus Experience Total

Bonus experience for posting and comments on the Orange Inn community website.

(No points for anything on WhatsApp.)

Arrow: 4,400xp. Still 3rd level.

Fortu: 4,395xp. Still 3rd level.

Liga Burr: 4,325xp. Still 3rd level.

Will you go up at the end of this second session?



Game Date Nudge

Due to a just about averted game date disaster, we've pushed the game back by exactly twenty-four hours.

See everyone in England online at 9am on Sunday (morning) the 22nd.

See Scott in Australia online at 8pm on Sunday (evening) the 22nd.

Assif's the Tech-King in this group, so he can organise the Google-Meet invite.


Monday, 16 November 2020

Second Session: 9am Saturday the 21st (8pm for Scott)

 Are you all still on for battling rats and hobbits hobos?

Aiming for a three hour session so that Assif can get his flu jab before 2pm and Scott can get to bed before midnight Oz time.

Saturday, 7 November 2020

All the Stalls

Wandering around the fair, the four of you spot a few caravans that catch your eyes.
Standing proud amongst the mundane vendors such as 'Jon's Cheeses' and 'Pol's Pots and Pans' you notice 'Mergalf's Magical Travelling Emporium', 'Vitalli's Potent Potions' and 'Madam Megarna: Fortune Teller to Royalty'.
There are also several rides, Most of them are aimed at the children but the 'Big Wheel' is still very impressive. Standing at over thirty feet tall, it dominates the field. It takes you all a while to work out how it's powered, until you notice the halfling acrobats clambering all over it, using their own weight to keep it moving, speed it up and to slow it down. 

Tuesday, 3 November 2020

Tine's Wines

The fat and greasy vintner chortles to himself as his assistant loads his recently acquired bottles of white wine into his straw lined cart.
What a double stroke of luck!
Not only has he managed to buy sixty-one bottles of fine wine at half its market value from those naive adventurers but the news of Martha's death makes it twice as sweet.
An evil thought flits through his immoral mind...
Could he perhaps even buy Martha's vineyard?

Do we play or do we go now?

It’s been nearly four months since our last online session and over a month since my last overblown Orange-inn expositional post. I’ve hope...