Monday, 23 November 2020

What's the Damage Son?

 Weird leaving a battle mid-way but a probable reality of our new gaming situation.

After all the various rat bites, small and tiny, I think everyone is injured. The question is by how much?

Mir Hundur has so far avoided any rat bites but got his paws ripped up by the sharp-stoned riverbank.

(Binding his wounds reversed his hobbled effect but healed no HP damage.)

Arrow quaffed a healing draft but may still be injured.

Fortu is definitely below maximum.

Not sure if Liga Burr has been touched by the rats yet?

Can everybody please list both their full (maximum) and current HPs?

Also, did anyone fail their 'Filth fever' rat disease save? 

(I think Fortu might've but I didn't note it down,)


  1. Arowe was close to death after the onslaught of the rats. The healing draft helped but after yet more bites Arowe is left with just 13 of his 24 hp left. :(

  2. Fortu did fail a fever roll, I believe the effect to be an upturned lip and shaky legs.
    max HP 33, hit for -15=18hp left

  3. Hee hee. More Elvis humour!

  4. Liga Bur is fully healthy: 26 HP
    But poor Mir Hundur hurt his footsie wootsies: 14 HP remain from 18
    No disease


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