Saturday, 21 November 2020

You can call me Al

Fascinated but cautious Arowe winds his way among the stalls and rides.  The Big Wheel looks like fun, but he doesn't entirely trust those leaping hobbit-folk with all the ropes, so doesn't risk a go.

Of all the weird and wacky stalls, one catches his eye : A mess of thorns, twigs and thatch twisted together into a weird sort of druidic gazebo with a wisp of smoke coming out of a short chimney at the top. The name Al Khem's Aisles of Delight on the sign only added to the appeal for Arowe as did the shelves strewn with flasks, bottles and gourds of every kind.

Arowe goes in and emerges again a mere few minutes later clutching a bag of thorns and goo that Al himself assured him would tangle anyone who stepped in it. In his pocket though was something potentially more useful.  Arowe's fear of spiders and snakes had been in control of his purse when he bought the bottle of Antitoxin.  And a damn good idea it was too!

[Arowe buys a Tanglefoot Bag and a bottle of Antitoxin]


  1. Arowe later also buys a Jade precious stone and a rather lovely Moonstone to convert some of the gold he has left over to something a little easier to carry and conceal.
    [I'm looking to convert 150gp as 2 gems, please]

  2. Realising how bloody heavy that bag is, he ditches (sells?) 4 of his daggers (4lbs worth) and also trades in his fancy outfit, fit for a court - for something more suitable.

    [remove/sell 4 daggers, Exchange my fancy Courtier's outfit for a lighter (1lb less) Traveler's outfit - you decide if I get any money for the exchange]

  3. Continuing Arowe's market meanderings, we might also witness him sidling into an armoury and topping up his supply of arrows :)

    [I was 12 down, can I buy some more please!]

  4. Normally everything you sell only gets half book price but, as we're still in the wriggle room phase, you can get full price for all that you sell.
    The items you want are also all available at normal price.
    Alongside 'Al Khem's Aisles of Delight' for the anti-toxin and tanglefoot bag, you find 'Argo's genuine jewellery' is happy to sell you some jade and a moonstone.
    Saville's haberdashery buys your fine threads and sells you some rather nice adventuring gear. He's a little handsy though while measuring your inner-leg.
    Finally, you can buy some replacement arrows from 'Ronnie the Fletcher'.
    Interestingly though, you notice that 'Mergalf's magical travelling emporium' has magical arrows on sale at 50gp an arrow or 240gp for five or 470gp for ten...

  5. Ronnie the Fletcher properly made me laugh!
    And tell Jimmy's half brother to get his hands off my sunrod!


Do we play or do we go now?

It’s been nearly four months since our last online session and over a month since my last overblown Orange-inn expositional post. I’ve hope...