Saturday, 21 November 2020

everything at a fair price

 Fortu strolls around the place, totally bemused by the hussle and bussle, but with a permanent grin. Never having had the freedom before he enjoyed moving around the fair. Stopping outside Vitalli's Potent Potions as the owner cry's out the unbelievable benefits of his wares. "so if I drink this small flask I will stop bleeding and the cuts will heal?" Fortu asks incredulously.

"yes fine sir and its good for other ailments too, wont do any good for your existing scars mind"

"how much then?" 


  1. so Fortu only has 250g, how much for potion of healing guv'

  2. Looking at the multitude of tiny glistening vials laid out upon the black velvet cloth, Fortu's eyes widen.
    His mind boggles at the wonderous nature of these little drinks.
    Vitalli is a plump, well dressed, friendly faced man, well into his middle age.
    Fortu ponders for a moment what would prevent anyone from simply snatching the vials and running but thievery has never been his nature.
    "A healing draft? Well, that's usually a cleric's remit but I do have a few potions of 'Cure Moderate wounds'."
    His mouth puckers for a moment...
    "I normally charge 300gp for these each though. How much do you have?"

    Fortu buys one potion of 'Cure Moderate Wounds' for every single coin he has.


Do we play or do we go now?

It’s been nearly four months since our last online session and over a month since my last overblown Orange-inn expositional post. I’ve hope...