Tuesday, 3 November 2020

Tine's Wines

The fat and greasy vintner chortles to himself as his assistant loads his recently acquired bottles of white wine into his straw lined cart.
What a double stroke of luck!
Not only has he managed to buy sixty-one bottles of fine wine at half its market value from those naive adventurers but the news of Martha's death makes it twice as sweet.
An evil thought flits through his immoral mind...
Could he perhaps even buy Martha's vineyard?


  1. Alright, in an idiot. You have made your point :(

  2. That's not what I was implying. You could have negotiated for a bit more but it only mattered if it mattered to you.
    None of you had any ability to 'appraise' the value of the wine or any particular negotiating skills.
    I just wanted to mention the obnoxious 'Winestine' and 'Martha's vineyard'.

  3. oh so your names are getting to have political bite now, although I must admit I don't know the Martha's Vineyard reference.
    See I'm not, quite, as stupid as I look.......no one could be that stupid:)


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