Saturday, 7 October 2023

The Tragic Tale of Grimcrack Thin-Needle

Diary entries: (All written in the Gnomish script.)

Inside front cover: Diary of Grimcrack of the Thin-needles of Mount Snaufang.

Day 2: Since learning of my beloved father; Baron Gewgore Thin-needle’s original and vehement objections to the council's agreement to build this prison, I've resolved that it's my duty as a knight and his son to undo this vile preservation of evil.

Day 4: An ageless creature such as that can not be safely imprisoned forever. This demon should not be preserved but executed at the first opportunity.

Day 18: I've discovered the hidden location of the banished tower. I have doubled my commitment to destroy the shameful work of my people and dispatch the hell-spawn creature held captive there. 

Day 21: Finally, with the knowledge I have garnered, I have embarked on my mission. I hope my Father will understand why I have borrowed his magical Lance and forgive me. I fear I shall need its legendary tip before I am done with this quest.

Day 36: With the aid of my God Gaerdal Ironhand, I’ve found a path through the dimensions and am closer now than I’ve ever been to completing my quest.

Day 47: I’ve been practicing the magical harp and hopefully, I’ve grown skilful enough to overcome the first and most powerful barrier. My otherworldly nature should take care of the rest.

Day 63: The desert trek has proven more hazardous than I had expected but the powers blessed to me by my God have enabled my stout War-boar and myself to endure the constant heat and quench our continuous thirst.

Day 65: Perhaps just a day or two from our objective and I’ve discovered a sheltering Rocky outcrop. Pepper and I will make camp here and replenish our water supplies before our last charge toward the tower.


There is also the torn scraps of a short musical arrangement.

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