Wednesday, 4 October 2023

Carpe DM!

Thought of the fantastic header above and considered myself a true genius. Sadly, after checking online, I found that this joke had been made by so many people, so many times before, you could even buy it on a mug or a T-shirt. Instead, I transformed my adventure binder into a Mimic and stuck it on the cover.

David pointed out to me the other day, that we've been playing this online campaign for over three years now.

Three years?!

Hopefully you're all still enjoying our irregular on-line campaign though. I'm still getting a great deal of joy and distraction out of it, but ultimately your enjoyment is paramount.

I think you're having fun but I'm self-aware enough to realise that I'm far from the perfect DM. Despite trying to create challenging combats, in which death is (almost) always a possibility, I know that I tend to lean into 'comedic' rather than 'method' roleplay.

This 'comedy' gameplay though 'might' be being enhanced by my in-between-sessions silly posts. And I know that I've posted up a lot of these over the last few months.

Since the beginning, my plan was always to try to post something each Saturday between games to keep the momentum going and the interest up. You guys posting your character's thoughts or views of things though, really helps me with the story. Interaction is everything!

I like my own posts but I LOVE yours!

David's and Assif’s recent posts were great! Raw emotional responses to the current predicament, tactical reactions to an imminent threat and philosophical musings regarding the purpose of self, gods, luck and destiny. Nice.
I suppose though, the real question is; are you enjoying these stories, animations, puppet shows and silly clips? Obviously, I get a lot of pleasure out of making/writing them but they're meant to make you laugh, as well as function as clues of things to come and reminders of what has happened previously.

I guess I tend to think in terms of a movie rather than a book, with cut scenes and flashbacks. I'm not a massive opponent of Meta-gaming and I've no problem with you having an inkling of what's happening behind the curtain.

You're responses have been often muted though and a post with zero responses is always a little disappointing. If you're not enjoying them, they're concerning you, or even worse, you're not bothering to read them, please let me know and I'll stop.

Most of the story development and hints given in these posts could be given in game but that would drastically slow down our actual sessions and push combats further apart. Sessions that are short enough as they are without more of my terrible accents and clumsy attempts at actual role-playing.

That said, I'm happy to try. I actually enjoy my terrible/comedy attempts at accents. Doing exuberant Whackeem; the 'French/Arabic' salesman of Magical artefacts (Jazz hands) was a laugh!

Hopefully though, you're 'eyebrow raising' is meant in fun and I understand how busy you all are. Do me a favour though and throw me a response now and then. they really help motivate me and let me know I'm not just wasting my time.

Finally, I find organising the schedule stressful and would prefer not to do it. Scott, I'm handing this responsibility completely back to you as you're the busiest of us. If we play, when we play is up to you.

Thanks and see you all on Saturday. 


  1. i was expecting some sort of fishy pun, my eyebrow raising is done in homage to the great Roger, more or less.

  2. Kirk, I don't mind saying it again, you are a brilliant DM, an extremely talented artist and an incredibly engaging story teller. All of that AND you are funny. You could have easily made it as a copy-writer for Heineken coming up with household sayings.

    Anyway, i love these games even if i am grumpy sometimes and don't seem to be fully engaged. So, don't stop! Please!

    Also, i dont listen to critical role and could do without all that faux fantasy schlock accent bull. Give me Whakeem or Rosie or Riffers riffing on Elvis any day!

  3. Plus don't take my dislike for TikkyTokky as a dislike of your content. It is always brilliant and that mimic book is 😱 🔥

  4. Just remembered the horses that were lent to us Barry, Robin and Maurice - the Gee-gees! 🤣🤣🤣

    Critical role ain't got nothing on that!

  5. One more thing, I am quite happy to take on the organising role.


Do we play or do we go now?

It’s been nearly four months since our last online session and over a month since my last overblown Orange-inn expositional post. I’ve hope...