Friday, 13 October 2023

Game Dates

Hi chaps,

How do these work fod the next game?

Sat 4th / Sun 5th Nov?
Sat 8th / Sun 18th Nov
Sat 2th / Sun 26th Nov
Sat 2nd / Sun 3rd Dec

In each case, I'm assuming my evening / your morning. I can probably play later / longer on the Saturdays. 

Let me know if you also want me to look further ahead into Dec.

Cheers 👍


  1. Hi Scott. Can do the Nov dates, but am away for the Dec date.

  2. Thanks Scott.
    Saturday the 8th looks good to me, as it enables you to stay up a little later and it's just over a month between sessions.
    The 2th seems a fun option though, just to watch the fabric of reality implode!

  3. Wait... The 8th of November is a Wednesday. If you meant the Saturday 18th, I can still do it.
    I can't do the weekend of the 25th though as my Middlest is visiting.

  4. I have checked my extensive diary and it seems I'm free for any and all..

  5. OK, As Scott was the one who suggested the dates...
    Everyone up for cementing in Saturday the 18th of November?

  6. concreted and reinforced with rebar 18th Nov

  7. Saturday 18th locked in. Your morning, my evening.


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