Saturday, 14 October 2023

Treasure from a Pre-Trod Path

While sitting cross-legged on the carpeted floor of the marquee, Rifkin examines the treasure they’d just combed through the chitinous gore and sand to find. It seems that these dimly intelligent, insectoid, pounce-predators were using the bones and loot as bait in their traps but without any true understanding of its actual worth.

The erudite Arowe had translated the Gnomish Knight; Grimcrack’s diary and it was obvious that they were ostensibly on the same mission but, going by the dates... nearly a century apart!

Something was wrong here. If this was the mythical tower that the middle-aged Sir Briefadel was searching for and, if you believe what the Wizard Moody had claimed, it was established here about a hundred years ago. Fifty-years before the treacherous nobleman was even born!

Placing the remnants of the tattered diary to one side, Rifkin quickly separates the obvious magical items from the more mundane ones and trusts the surprisingly numerate Henshaw to fairly divvy up the gold and gems.


Small Lance +3 (Keen) (Liga Bur)

Small Longsword +1

Small Heavy Shield +1

Small Full Plate +1

Lenses of Doom (Fortu)

Ring of Jumping +5 (Arowe)

Harp of Charming (Rifkin)

Elixir of Truth

Elixir of Fire Breath

Potion of Good Hope

Potion of Cure Serious Wounds

Potion of Remove Blindness

Scroll of Holy Sword (unusable by anyone)

Scroll of Cure Serious Wounds (Liga Bur)

Scroll of Remove Curse (Rifkin)

Scroll of Heat Metal (unusable by anyone)

Small damp leather purse containing 5 x Moist Marbles

Flask of Acid x 2 (one used)

Diary of Grimcrack Thin-Needle (Arowe)

Maps of Calcienta / Fissa / The Givrad Void

Chain shirt barding for Medium Quadruped +1 (Mir Hundur)

Liga Bur may also want to claim the Small +1 Heavy Shield as he can use the Magic Lance one-handed while riding Mir Hundur. No-one else could use the small long-sword or small full-plate either.

Anyone want to claim the potions or shall Rifkin just stick them in his knapsack?

Gold and Gems

Arowe: + 42gp / 6 gems (worth 25gp each)

Fortu: + 42gp / 6 gems (worth 25gp each)

Liga Bur: + 42gp / 6 gems (worth 25gp each)

Rifkin: + 21gp / 3 gems (worth 25gp each)

Henshaw: + 14gp / 2 gems (worth 25gp each)

Barbella: + 14gp / 2 gems (worth 25gp each)

Doberman: + 14gp / 2 gems (worth 25gp each)


The half-dozen Ankheg eggs found by Barbella had a total value of 600gp (if sold in Valdez) but (a now slightly green) Doberman ate all of them.

Henshaw, as before with Fortu, hands his entire share to Rifkin. Plus the 5gp he still had remaining.

“I’m still down a bit but I never forget a debt.”

The Demi-elf smiles but can’t help hearing the unintended threat behind the promise.

Finally, Barbella sidles over to Fortu, borrowed magical, glowing silver sickle in hand...

"Henshaw said I should return this to ya, but I woz finking, since the light it sheds is useful to me and no-one else ain't using it, could it be my share of the loot? It only seems fair, since the Halfling got that swirly magic lance, the Elf took the magic ring, the Half-Elf got the harp and you got them magic lenses. Henshaw, Doberman and me didn’t get nothing!"

The gangly Henshaw and Extremely stout Doberman wander over to support their double-negative using friend and Henshaw adds his voice too.

“That’s true. We should get our share. The Gnome-sized stuff and the scrolls are no use to us but if Barbella's getting that silver sickle, can I have the other magic dagger that's going begging?”

Henshaw requests the +1 Cold-iron Dagger.

Doberman doesn’t seem to care either way though.

Current individual gold and gem status:

Fortu: Gold: 1,005gp + 6 gems (worth 25gp each)

Arowe: Gold: 1,205gp + 6 gems (worth 25gp each)

Liga Bur: Gold: 930gp + 6 gems (worth 25gp each)

Rifkin: Gold: 341gp + 7 gems (worth 25gp each)

Henshaw: Gold: 0gp (Still owes Rifkin 31gp)

Barbella: Gold: 373gp + 2 gems (worth 25gp each)

Doberman: Gold: 370gp + 2 gems (worth 25gp each)

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