Saturday, 5 August 2023

Rifkin's Cunning Plan: Part Last

It's only been a couple of days since his arrival, but Rifkin's managed to put his rescue plan mostly into place.

Valdez is a vibrant city, full of life but the disparity between the rich and poor is shockingly evident and its rulers are either wilfully blind or knowingly indifferent to the needs of the people.

With his slightly pointed ears attentive to the social chatter around him and his vaguely almond shaped eyes ever alert to opportunity, the Elvenish Bard, has not only heard rumblings of a second coup attempt but, where and when able, actively encouraged it.

While bribing guards for information and access to certain areas, Rifkin's noticed that several of the more helpful ones wear a red cloth subtly tied at their throat or wrist. He's even seen it worn by some members of the general populace.

Deciding to risk it all on one, well timed, do-or-die rescue attempt, Rifkin pays off some of the 'sympathetic' guards for maps and schedules before approaching a 'friendly' camel ostler to buy their mode of escape. They haggle animatedly for a while until the toothless old camel trader finally sighs.

"Listen sonny, you're a charming boy but, even at my best price, you've simply not got enough for seven camels, saddles, tents and supplies. I tell you what though, if you can raise just 1,500 gold, they're all yours. Got anything worth trading?"

Rifkin recounts his remaining gold for the third time. He'd used up a chunk of it on bribes but he'd have been hundreds short regardless. Handing over half the total as a deposit, the Demi-Elf asks the obvious question.

"Where's the nearest Magic emporium? I've got a couple of things they might be interested in."

Later that night, Rifkin sits back down at a table in his cheap boarding house, gets out a quill, an ink bottle and some of the pale blue parchment he'd taken from the murdered Three-Quarterling's comfortable underground home. After considering at length what to write and who to write it to, the Bard dips his nib into the ink and puts quill to parchment. He knew the magical 'find-anyone-anywhere' feather tokens would eventually come in handy.

Rifkin spent every coin and gem he had, used one of his Feather tokens and his three scrolls of Invisibility, plus he sold Egrow's unusable Wand of Burning-Hands to buy the escape camels etc. 


  1. expensive, maybe. but are we worth it too right. have to say though if we meet anyone named Baldric during this cunning plan I'm running


Do we play or do we go now?

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