Saturday, 5 August 2023

Déjà vu dreams

 Fortu's eyes snap open, in the dim light of the fires embers he makes out the silhouettes of his friends and realises that once again he has had the dream of bashing out the brains of Sir Briefedel . Only this time there were differences. It was the rebel leader Najam snapping the order 'shield' and mounting the arena wall, each guard on the balcony with Briefedel's face. As he/ Najam crushed the life from them the 'owner/ ruler' got further and further away. With Liga Burs literal dream nightmare, Fortu wonders if his dreams are also being manipulated. For he feels they started the chase mere hours behind Briefedel, now they were days behind with no exact idea where he was or what he was after. Surely by the time they caught him he would have done what he came for. Would it not be best to return to Valdez and help Najam and the rebels end the horror of the fighting pits.

As he relived the dream again he felt that at times it had even seemed that it was Fortu's own face on the owner and he was clawing an escape over the body of the mage Moody. The more he thought on it the more he realised that his actions to the arrogant snivelling mage were just as his owners had treated him when in the fighting pits, he needed to be better than that.

Rising from his bed roll he moved over to where the mage uncomfortably lay bound and gagged, this time instead of kicking him awake he gently shook him. "Moody" as the mages eyes fluttered open Fortu saw the fear as the mage cringed away as best he could. "hush mage, I have treated you abhorrently, your crimes as a trader in human flesh do not excuse my behaviour. I would see that you are tortured no more."  Moody's expression flashed from fear to confusion to hope, before resting on relief. Fortu gently held the mages head "but your crimes must be paid for" Kneeling on the mages chest he draws the serrated knife across Moody's throat, tensing against the feeble struggles of the mage he saws through until he reaches vertebrae. He continues to hold the mage until all life has fled. Fortu leans down and whispers "men with strength and power should protect those weaker not feed off them"

At the sound of raised voices Fortu wakes with a start. Confused by the dream within a dream he peers across to where Moody lays. Although still bound and gagged he is still alive. Fortu considers enacting the dream but becomes aware of those rousing around him, "what the feck is happening now" he mutters.


  1. A disturbing dream within a dream within a dream or perhaps a prophecy of things to come?

  2. I read this holding my breath. But at the end I gasped and my jaw fell open.

    Nice work Fortu/David.

  3. And then the rest of the post opened and I realised it was but a dream. Damn.


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