Saturday, 12 August 2023

Luck of the Elvish

 Arowe has always been someone who took risks and rebelled against authority, even though his position was one right at the top of the hierarchy and he had everything to lose by being so ... chancy.  That he risked leaving the family estate for the uncertain life of an itinerate "adventurer" was foolish, sure, but it was worth it for the fame and fortune it promised.

But here in this scorched world of unfathomable beasts and ruthless slave traders, that choice was starting to look like not such a good one. Those fighting under Najam's banner were fighting for something they truly believed in and a chance for a better life.  Arowe was here chasing someone who was good at not being caught, but for what? Money? That is laughable. If there was another reason, Arowe as already forgotten what it was.

But at the same time, Arowe was blessed with a unnerving amount of luck.  That he should be a handful of good arrows from being a useless dead elf, to finding a literally endless quiver of arrows and spears, is astonishing.  That he should keep striking killer blows to everything from the carapaced goliath and its insectoid masters, to hawks hundreds of feet in the air, to the rabid boar that should have surely killed them all, is still more remarkable.

It was, and is still bothering Arowe deep down - an itch somewhere inside himself, out of reach but lingering in his mind.  How was he so lucky?  He even tried to test it with the seeming impossible; inside the arena, firing an arrow high into the air and, incredibly, skewering it with another missile mid air in front of a baying crowd.

Maybe being so lucky, and ridiculously good looking, was something divine bestowed upon him. Maybe. Or maybe it was just sheer dumb chance.

I guess, he'd find out soon enough, if he ever got to face that charlatan Briefadel.


  1. Nice title. Great post! Arowe does indeed seem very lucky... Maybe Fate's looking out for him.

  2. The more I train, the better I get; the luckier I seem to be.
    Arowe "But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you."
    i may be 'taken' a liberty but the quote fits him.

  3. Funny how by practicing something you get really really good at it!

    It also fits as a commentary on D&D in general and the idea that we are all the main character in our own story. But I wasn't clever enough to think of it that way at the time 😁


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