Wednesday, 16 August 2023

Post Valdez Gold

No real opportunities to earn or spend any gold but just to keep track:

Everyone except Rifkin won 150gp from surviving two bouts in the arena.

Moody had a coin purse containing 60gp, a magical wavy/serrated 'Jambiya' +2 dagger and a large 'is it magic?' Diamond from his turban.


Used his first winnings bag of 50gp to bribe the main gate guards.


Immediately (and in front of witnesses) repaid Fortu the remaining 150gp of his debt.


Despite some skilful negotiation and doe-eyed pleading, the Bard spent every last coin he had on the escape plan to get you all out and then some.

Current Gold amounts: 

(I still can't be bothered to work out what it is in gems, silver and copper, so Rifkin divided Moody's 60gp slightly unevenly.)

Fortu:        Gold: 963gp

Arowe:        Gold: 1463gp

Liga Bur:    Gold: 888gp

Rifkin:         Gold: 6gp (Poor again)

Henshaw:    Gold: 5gp (But debt free)

Barbella:    Gold: 359gp 

Doberman:    Gold: 356gp

Anyone want the magical dagger or diamond?

Update your character sheets and include the gold in your encumbrance stats.


  1. In appreciation of Rifkin's expenses on behalf of the party, Arowe hands over 300gold. "In case you need to save our butts again, old pal"


Do we play or do we go now?

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