Saturday, 12 August 2023

To See or not to See

Momentarily distracted by what'd just happened, Jaspir; the young guardian of the main gate, watches the odd group ride awkwardly but hurriedly away from the walled city. Strange, pink-skinned foreigners who were, most likely, wanted criminals.
Should he have stopped them?
Was he wrong to look the other way?
Looking down at his right hand, he roughly approximates the gold in the heavy coin-bag. Judging by weight alone, it certainly feels like fifty gold. A nice bribe, even when spread between himself and his five subordinates. Seven gold for each of them, leaving a sweet fifteen left over for him.
But then, there was the matter of that bound and gagged Wizard...
Screw him though, Wizards were generally arrogant pricks who sneered down their long, thin noses at working men like him.
Also, Valdez city was burning, both literally and figuratively with the flames of rebellion blazing through the streets.
Looking around at the ongoing scuffles between the loyalists and the red-wearing insurgents, he'd soon need to pick a side.
Though secretly routing for Najam's forces, perhaps he'd bide his time just a little while longer...


  1. Bribing is always difficult when you have no real concept of in game money/ costs. I feel we sometimes give too much as gold is relatively easy for us to get. Anyways hope Jaspir did alright out of it and that he soon grows a pair and joins the rebellion.

    1. Considering the situation, Fifty gold seemed fair to me. :D


Do we play or do we go now?

It’s been nearly four months since our last online session and over a month since my last overblown Orange-inn expositional post. I’ve hope...