Wednesday, 3 May 2023

Fortnight Delay

Just an online confirmation of the two-week delay.

New game date:

Saturday the 3rd of June (9am/6pm start).

I've got no story-time expositions to fill the next five weeks but I might do a few just-for-fun little films. I will post up a where-you're-at-catch-up the weekend before the game though.

Now's the perfect time for any of your back-story entries or current-query posts. 

David wrote one to help us keep the momentum going (and draw attention to the fact that I've not only failed to give him a magic +4 Bastard sword of Awesomeness but I've actually managed to damage his normal one).

Know though, that any tid-bits you commit to Orange Inn help weave the story.

If you can find the time, I'd love to read them.


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