Saturday, 29 April 2023

Not another Eighties reference.

 As Fortu takes a moment after the fight with the dead or alive druid, he settles himself down just outside the tent. With half an ear on listening to Barbella and Henshaw he takes out his whet stone. With slow long sweeps along the blade on his sword he is concerned to notice pits/ burns across its length. He thought that after the fight with the big ice worm there had been some discolouration, now he was certain.

Spinning around he looks for someone to confirm the worst; discounts Doberman who for some reason was now trying to fill his ears with coins, ignores Barbella and Henshaw who are now sniggering together something about millionaires and spots Arowe. He knows Arowe specialises in archery but is sure with his elven heritage/ lore he may have some knowledge.

"Yo boss, ever since the fight with the ice beastie, my sword is looking like a target after you've loosed a quiver load into - knackered. Not sure if its gonna hold up much longer?"


  1. Arowe's face turned from mocking to concerned as he took a closer look at the blade. "I thought this sword to be as true as the flight of Ydrisil's dagger as it entered Grymworrm's very heart. But I see it is Indeed pitted and torn. Maybe Riffers knows a charm of restoration?

    1. Nice idea. So nice that I had to double check as it hadn't occured to me. Sadly Rifkin's 'Mending' cantrip spell isn't up to the task. :(

  2. 'Eightes reference'? Made me look! That whole 'Pit Burns' stuff is a lot of fun! :D

  3. 😁 pete burns dead or alive spinning around. Bravo.


Do we play or do we go now?

It’s been nearly four months since our last online session and over a month since my last overblown Orange-inn expositional post. I’ve hope...