Friday, 28 April 2023

Number One Fan

Inside the surprisingly luxurious tent, Rifkin and Liga Burr sit at and on the wooden desk respectively, examining the maps they'd found. Despite most of them being carefully annotated in the unreadable secret Druidic script, two of them prove to be useful. Slightly more worryingly though, a few seem to have been taken.

Of the remaining, one shows the visible constellations and the name of the world and its moons and nearest suns. The other, a geographical one, laying out the locations of the nearest surrounding wells in addition to three cities and an odd curiosity in the north captioned with just a question mark.

The distances are also strangely measured, not in traditional Fissian miles but rather in some confusing time metric called 'Camel-ride-days'.

According to the map, this desert world is called 'Calscienta' and the three nearest habitations called 'Valderez', 'Mendoza' and 'Creardo'. According to the map; 'Valderez' is the largest and the closest. Just four 'Camel-ride-days' away, with a rest-stop watering hole almost exactly half-way in between.

Rising from his chair, Rifkin moves to leave the airy comfort of the tent and absentmindedly picks up the delicate, magical paper fan before unconsciously cooling himself with it.

Catching himself mid-flap, the Half-Elven Bard glances back over his shoulder and calls out to the furrow browed Liga Burr in the Halfling's own language:

"Can I keep this?"

Unless anyone objects, Rifkin takes the magical paper fan as his half-share of treasure.


  1. I have no problem with him having it, although its probably cursed as Riffers has never requested anything before. We usually just make him carry all the stuff we cant use....


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