Wednesday, 26 April 2023

Consider not the Length but the Quality

The dark haired Barbella scratches at his stubbly chin as he, left-handedly, swings the magical short-sword through the air.

"I don't get why you asked for these? They're effectively no better than the long-swords we already 'av. In fact there's about a foot less blade for slotting bastards wiv!"

Henshaw grins in response, showing the 'lucky' gap between his two front teeth, as he right-handedly flourishes his 'new' short-sword in response.

"No better than the 'really-expensive-cold-iron-master-work' longswords we we given by Sergeant Philko?"

As Barbella nods blankly, Henshaw's already talking again.

"Think about it. Sir Briefadel had our long-swords forged specially by that Dwarven blacksmith, using a metal poisonous to Fey creatures. They're not only the best swords we've ever used but they cost loads! Hundreds!! More than a years wages!!! Now, these short-swords 'ave not only bin made with that same metal, but they've bin magically sharpened as well. How much do you imagine they're worth?!"

The swarthy Barbella finally returns Henshaw's grin with one of his own, revealing a golden tooth.

"By Nerull's unblinking eye sockets, you're right... Thousands! We're rich!"

Masterwork Cold Iron Long-sword: 
To hit: +1 Damage: 1d8 (Minimum damage: 1 Average damage: 4.5 Maximum damage: 8)

Magical +1 Cold Iron Short-sword: 
To hit: +1 Damage: 1d6+1 (Minimum damage: 2 Average damage: 4.5 Maximum damage: 7)

(Somewhat oddly, despite now having magic weapons, Henshaw and Barbella haven't improved their 'to hit' chance at all but have somehow simultaneously acquired a higher minimum AND lower maximum damage.)



  1. They also can now hit monsters that need magic to hit, unlike Fortu who still hasn't found a +4 Bastard sword of 'kill the badies'

    1. Jeez David, why didn't you just mention what you wanted earlier? :D


Do we play or do we go now?

It’s been nearly four months since our last online session and over a month since my last overblown Orange-inn expositional post. I’ve hope...