Saturday, 22 April 2023

Game Date: 20/5/23

Scott just confirmed his free dates and, before it gets lost in the aether, I thought I'd cement it in all our minds.

May the 20th.

9am morning start time for the UKers (Which I'm assuming is still 6pm for Scott).

Precisely four weeks from this exact time today!

We finished at noon (12am) last session. Three hours online didn't allow us to get through more than an easy combat, a rushed search and a hurried half journey. If possible, can you boys avoid scheduling anything else until after 1pm (10pm)?

Not much planning for me to do, as I've already written the next four possible encounters. I might try to badly hand-draw and colour a few more minis but if I plan too far into the various possible futures, I'd probably be wasting my time planning encounters that won't happen.

As for you guys; have your character sheets ready, your cameras set up and the minis found.

Already looking forward to it!



  1. Great. It's in the diary. Looking forward to it!
    And finish 1pm ish 👍

  2. "and the minis found."
    You has to get it in there, didn't you!


Do we play or do we go now?

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