Sunday, 27 November 2022

Bird Brain!

Standing alone by one of the floating, spiralling portals, Sir Briefadel gulps down a curing potion and waits impatiently for his hawk's return.
It seems like an age for him, but he knows that, for his hawk; Syphonie, it can only have been a few minutes.
Time runs much faster in the void between worlds. By all his research, about sixty times faster. A minute outside the Givrad void is equivalent to an hour within.
Looking back over his shoulder, he glances at the portal he'd originally arrived through. Just the remains of the giant cockroach-like creature he'd dispatched on the floor but no sign of his brightly coloured assistant Egrow or, more importantly, no sign of any pursuers.
Scowling, Sir Briefadel accepts that if Egrow hasn't made it by now, he must have been captured or killed.
The Pool guardian and her Fey creatures would've been extremely wary of leaving the Green. It would be improbable but not impossible.
The duped adventurers though... He'd spotted them fighting against his soldiers. The ex-gladiator Fortu, actually battling against his men, fighting back-to-back with a ram-horned Satyr.
They must have turned against him.
No real surprise there, but would they be vengeful enough to chase him down the submerged pit though?
Would they have the moral and physical fortitude?
What would be in it for them?
Sir Briefadel pointlessly checks his weird map for the third time. He knows where he has to go.
Suddenly, the hawk he'd been waiting for, erupts out of the water, lands on his outstretched gauntlet and screeches.
Under his helmet, the human's brow knots above his eyes...

"You did what?!"

"You left the bloody rag behind?!"

"Right on the false path you'd laid?!"

"You idiot! They'll know they've been duped!"

"I don't care that a scary owl dived at you!"

"I don't care that it was bigger than you!"

Spinning on his armoured heel, Sir Briefadel strides back to one of the other portals.

"Come then Sephonie. It might still gain us a few extra hours head-start. Hell, we might be lucky and no-one will follow us at all!" 

"Best scenario of all; They blunder into frigid Kik-ri and the giant Remorhaz swallows them all whole..."

Another quick look back and the heavily armoured Sir Briefadel and his fantastically well-trained hawk, dive through the new portal and silence falls upon the void once more.


  1. Just what the heck is this bloody bird, I thought Mir Hundur was smart and capable but this bird would be the boss of Fortu...

  2. Every post of mine contains plot clues or reminders...
    Well mostly.


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