Monday, 3 October 2022

Next Game

Hi chaps,

Hoping we can squeeze something in early Nov.

How do the following work for you?

Saturday 5th Nov

Saturday 12th / Sunday 13th


  1. Can you elaborate on the am/pm part ... Nov 5th evening is fireworks night

  2. All are my evening your morning, though I think I can do my mornings your night before too if that helps

  3. I think weekend 12/13 is preferable as we might have guests staying on 5th.

  4. Guy Fawke's night... Morning works for me. I could probably do the morning of the 12th as well but as that's my birthday, I'd expect presents... An official 3.5 Magic items compendium or Monster manual 3 would be nice. ;P

  5. Are you expecting a hangover on Sunday morning 13th 🤣

    By the way, i agree, Sunday morning is rarely good. I like my lie ins and invariably have a hangover.

    So preference= 5th. Second is 12th


  6. i'm easy, i'll let you guys agree what suits the drunkards :) best

  7. So, assuming Assif's guests don't arrive until the afternoon and Jackie's happy to tidy up the house by herself...
    November the 5th it is!

  8. No, they will be here on the Friday and staying over.
    So Will definitely be here on Sat morning.

  9. I fucked up comment ... Should never have said 5th

  10. Thought your comment chain seemed a bit suspect, hence the 'assuming'. :D

  11. So the 12th November it is!
    Morning for UK, Evening for Oz.
    I'll be expecting a rousing rendition of 'Happy Birthday' though.


Do we play or do we go now?

It’s been nearly four months since our last online session and over a month since my last overblown Orange-inn expositional post. I’ve hope...