Thursday, 6 October 2022

Death is certainly uncertain.

 Fortu stares at the slowly dwindling 'hook horror' as it continues to fall up. He doesn't fully understand the weird dynamics of this strange place they now find themselves in, after the last encounter he believes that not only is up and down messed up but also the laws of life and death.

He remembers vividly the feeling of pain and helplessness when the 'hook horror' pierced his sides. The larger beast easily pulling Fortu closer to the wicked beaked maw. He can remember the shock as the monster's beak closed around his throat and with a slight twist ripped through the flesh and cartilage. For an agonizing moment Fortu swayed, watching his own life's blood spill to the floor - as so often he'd watched his opponents.

The next he remembers is the beast falling back and up, Liga Bur's reassuring hand at his back and life once more within him rather than spilling to the floor. Removing his gauntlet, he feels around his neck and is not surprised to find the hard ridges of another scar.

 He remembers some former gladiators' stories of such happenings, of them thanking some god or another. Maybe it was time for Fortu to find someone to thank.


  1. I am not liking the fact that we couldn't use the terrain to our advantage. No option to evade or escape. Allowing a new random set of physical laws, while also restricting the battleground makes me nervous - not to mention the pair of high HD monsters.

    1. I definitely should have better promoted the extra 'jump' option in the scene set-up.

  2. Much as I love this post, it does rather focus on my DMing in haste error. What can i say but Soz?!

    1. It isn't the error, for what it's worth. It is the realisation it could be over in a single round. Facing monsters that have the capability of doing our total hp in a single round is .... scary.

  3. Didn't mean it like that, was aiming at a bit of foreshadowing, next level...:)

    1. Wait... A Level in Paladin? Would that make you a Pa-ladiator?!


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