Sunday, 2 October 2022

The Loyalty of Dogs

Ears down, Mir Hundur lies silently as he watches his master and the group he leads prepare themselves to enter the water.

Swimming is fine; he's a good swimmer but they want to go deep down into the darkness below and at that realisation, Mir Hundur starts to tremble.

Sensing his dog's anxiety, Liga Burr catches the goddess' eye and they both walk over together. The Halfling's small, reassuring hand automatically grasps a handfull of scruff at the back of Mir Hundur's thick neck and Estrid gently strokes the big dog's maw.

In the language of the Fey, the statuesque water nymph whispers magical words as she simultaneously breaths softly into the dog's great face. It's only when it stops that Mir Hundur realises that he'd been shaking.

Then his master speaks in their secret shared language. He tells him what they need to do and how deep they'll have to swim. Mir Hundur has never swum that deep and doesn't know if he can hold his breath that long but listens until his master finishes his lengthy explanation.

Finally, after Liga Burr stops speaking, Mir Hundur responds...

"You want me to dive for you? Don't you know that I'd die for you?"


  1. What everybody else hears: "Growl, woof woof, growl, whimper"

  2. I liked the 'his Master and the group he leads' line. Personal perspective is a fun concept to play with.


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