One per character and all concerning equipment.
Assif's is the most obvious one: How to keep Arowe stocked up with arrows?
In the last session of the 'Wolf Pact' adventure, the Party came to an agreement with the Fey, with the Dryads crafting 40 Masterwork arrows for him. Unfortunately, as Arowe is capable of firing one arrow every two seconds (effectively firing thirty arrows a minute) this is still problematic.
Scott's character's size is an issue because Liga Burr's equipment often has to also be small to match him physically. Not a problem with rings or cloaks but finding weapons, ammunition and armour certainly is. In the adventure so far, the only small characters encountered were the halfling acrobat troop found in the 'Rat King' town encounter and the borderline small/medium Three-Quarterling.
David's character's problem should be the simplest, but I've failed miserably so far. Fortu's only problem was in choosing an unusual mundane weapon to specialise in. Who uses a Bastard sword? It's actually a great, versatile sword... but only if you expend several feats. None of the people encountered so far could or would use such a weapon.
Ultimately, the problem I have is an ironic desire for realism in our shared fantasy setting.
Arrows, unlike swords, run out.
Small armour can only be found worn by small opponents.
Exotic weapons are called 'exotic' for a reason.
If I can justify someone the Party encounters using this sort of weapon; fantastic! If a small, magical shortbow could conceivably be lying undiscovered in some sort of loot pile; great!
Assif's quite right in his pointing out my love of 'Travel' adventures and the equipment restocking challenges associated with them. I just can't countenance the traditional 'Dungeon crawl'. Hundreds of random rooms arranged along a stone corridor, stocked with unassociated, random monsters waiting behind locked doors, all completely ignoring each-other but all still having access to unlimited water, food and supplies.
The one D&D trope that I really can't abide though, is the locked chest filled with gold, gems and magical items that should've/could've been used to protect themselves.
Finally, in my defence, in the two online adventures you've completed so far, you've skipped over several undiscovered 'loot piles' but rest assured, I promise there will be more to come...
I was lamenting this the other day. Dex means nothing without str. I think there's one great that allows you to replace str with Dex, but not for ranged weapons AFAIK. I have a terrible knack for building underwhelming characters!
ReplyDeleteIf you want to redistribute Liga Burr's attributes to increase his Strength score a bit, I have no problem with it. Just let me know and re-email me his amended character sheet.
DeleteTechnically, everything needs to be small for Liga to use. A normal size cape would be so long he'd trip over it. And a ring would be so wide it'd slip off. Unless he could find something with more girth than a finger to slip it onto...
ReplyDeleteCock ring of Endurance? ;P
Delete> love of 'Travel' adventures and the equipment restocking challenges associated with them.
ReplyDeleteI don't mind you doing this - it is good and fun in fact. The problem is that you set it out like this, and then give no options to restock. It's not as though I could have done anything differently? I guess I could have asked for 200 arrows from Estrid? Or gone back 200 miles to an armoury?
> you've skipped over several undiscovered 'loot piles'
Did those loot piles contain arrows? Even ordinary ones? I'm guessing not, because none of our adversaries used arrows - only crossbows as far as I could recall.
The fact you haven't found a way to give both David and Liga better magic weapons is a problem not with your setting, but your unwillingness to bend your own made-up rules.
And them not having those has definitely affected the effectiveness of the party - and as a result meant that I use even more arrows.
Me and Rifkin have been accumulating magic like nobodies business. Feels wrong.
Fuck. I didn't even want to argue. But I did. Can't seem to help myself.
I don't even think I have that much of a problem with the arrow thing.
I would just need to move on to using my sword - and be incredibly ineffective! (and probably dead)
Now I feel bad. I will try not to make comments going forward.
Read this yesterday and wasn't sure how to respond.
DeleteYou heard 'Stupid man for making such a stupid choice' from my 'That's the downside of archers' comment?
That's not remotely who I am or how I think.
Been reading up about arrow/ ammunitions reclaiming. The gist I get is that you can reclaim 1/2 of all arrows used. This appears to include hits and misses.
ReplyDeleteAs to magic bastard swords and 'smaller' magic weapons I don't mind them not being around, I like Kirks take on the "reality" of what we find. There is though the option of adding homebrew stuff that can be used by all - oil of enhancement (adds +?) to any weapon until it wears off, Volkons scabbard (fits any weapon and makes it Firey when drawn), Legolases quiver (replicates 1 arrow every hour)
We are all creating this storey together but Kirk writes it, he's the one with the power of plot armour. He can kill us easily but to further the storey he doesn't. That said we need a character reason to go on; would an archer carry on with no arrows, would the tank go on knowing he can be one shotted, would Liga Bur go on knowing he smells like a dog on a wet day???