Sunday, 9 October 2022

A Sacrifice I'm Willing to Make

The flamboyantly dressed Egrow knocks at the sturdy wooden door, doffs his floppy purple hat and adjusts the crotch of his bright yellow tights while he awaits his master's positive response before entering.

"The blacksmith; Smelder has finished your 'special weapons' order. It was monstrously expensive but you were right to recruit a Dwarf. Very few Human craftsmen would have been capable of this quality of work. The men are also drilled and ready Sir. Captain Hall can hardly wait for the upcoming battle!"

Sir Briefadel glances up from his desk.

"Captain Hall has indeed proven himself to be a useful idiot. His ambition, general ignorance and rampant hatred of all races outside his own is why I hired him in the first place. I'm not sure about his Sergeant though. That man seems a little too clever for my liking."

Egrow shrugs.

"Don't worry about Sergeant Philco. He won't have time to wriggle out of trouble before he finds himself transported to the pool."

Giving Egrow his full attention now, Sir Briefadel's hooded eyes stare directly into the cod-wizard's face.

"These men really are the scum of the Fissa but as long as their unwitting sacrifice grants us enough of a distraction to gain access to the magical pool unaccosted, it'll be worth all the trouble."

Egrow shrugs again.

"Cut-throats and thugs, they really are the dregs of society alright but that's what mercenaries generally are. These men though, are only here because they enjoy killing a little too much and, considering their past crimes, most regular armies and even militias wouldn't take them."

Sir Briefadel yawns as his attention falls back to the weird map he's examining.

"This far out from civilisation, I suppose we should really consider ourselves lucky to even have men as lowly as these."


  1. jeez, not only do we have to watch what's out in the void but also the three lowest scum guards we have acquired, That said they did behave pretty well during the first encounter, Dobie took a hit and kept going. We will have to be careful if we ever catch Sir Briafadel, they may switch sides if gold is offered.

    1. In fairness, despite his oddly sheltered background, Fortu would have an inkling about the type of men professional mercenaries would be.

  2. This post was written to establish the moral character of the three men you've accidentally saved/recruited but even as wrote it, I realised that three out of the four named individuals mentioned are already dead.
    It's possible that I take my NPC backstories a 'little' too far...


Do we play or do we go now?

It’s been nearly four months since our last online session and over a month since my last overblown Orange-inn expositional post. I’ve hope...