Thursday, 6 October 2022

Dream of an Endless Quiver

The horrific beasts with hooks for arms, monstrous talons for toes and wicked flesh rending beaks for mouths both lay dead.  He was sure Fortu had been done for, only the gods know how he survived that last vicious bite.  A crumb of comfort then maybe, as it was possible then that the gods hadn't totally forsaken this place as it appeared that the normality of up and down had!

 When they were all standing and healed and were ready to move on to whatever lay in front of them, Arowe almost made a motion to take off his quivers and check their contents. But he didn't have to.  He knew well enough that he had spent 14 of the beautiful fey arrows. Each of which had hit home and without which they would all be as much bird food.  

What if behind the next portal there were 10 more of these horrors, or worse? How much longer would he be able to sustain his remaining arrows before he had to resort to fighting toe-to-toe with Rapier and Dagger?  

No matter.  There was only one way forward and that was to pursue Sir Briefidel. Maybe he would save one last arrow to place between his treacherous eyes.


  1. considering that Arowe probably did 90% of the damage it is very worrying , the lack of arrows

  2. The DM will probably send is someplace that arrows don't work and we have to fight monsters with a bout of heavy breathing.

  3. This is the downside of archers. :S

  4. You have said that before. Kind of an annoying take tbh. It is also the downside of adventures that give you so few opportunities to reload.

    1. Following the Player's handbook rules is an 'annoying take'?
      You don't like that arrows are counted as expendables?
      I'm not sure what the alternative would be... Infinite arrows?
      How would you do it?

    2. Look - I don't want to argue, but I would say that the archer is the only character with this issue. Wizards and Sorcerers to some extent have these, but most of their materials can be hoarded or collected. Also they are limited within a day. They offset this by having some non material spells and also their number and power of spells increases with level.
      You could argue HPs are limited, but we often have (and are given more) ways to replenish even mid-combat.
      With arrows, when they are gone, they are gone. No getting more unless you "find" them or go to a shop.

      What I objected to however, is that instead of considering the problem, you just counter with "that's the problem with Archers - stupid man for making such a stupid choice".
      Well that is not constructive or fair.

      I see now you have made a more considered response in the next post and I appreciate that.


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