Monday, 21 June 2021

Treasure Beyond Beer

Spread out before you is everything you've found in the cell behind the Poison Beer, the select items from the pulpy remains of the Three-Quarterling's body and a few interesting items found during your search of the 'Halfling hole'. It was surprising how little interest Sir Briefadel had shown after his tantrum.


Full Plate Mail Armour +1
Boots of Elvenkind
Cloak of Elvenkind
Large Metal Shield +1
Rapier +1 (Glowing)
Small Quiver containing 20 x Small Arrows +1 (Flaming)
2 x Pots of Oil of Keen Edge
Hat of Disguise
Small Silver Dagger +3
Ring of Protection +2
8 x Quaal's Feather tokens: Bird


From the 'Pool of Impossible Copulation' to a large but blackened looking tree.


Platinum: 14pp (+ 8pp (2pp each) from Sir Briefadel as final payment)
Gold: 239gp
Silver: 932sp
Copper: 165cp
Gems: 7 (with a value of approximately 100gp each)


The Party has also been given three horses with saddlebags by Sir Briefadel containing enough dry supplies for three days and the Cave/Home has a plentiful supply of good fresh food and water plus a reasonable supply of dried foodstuffs. 

Rifkin sits at the desk and gladly divides up the coins and gems under Fortu's suspicious gaze...

Arowe: 6pp / 68gp / 266sp / 47cp / 2 gems (worth 200gp)

Fortu: 6pp / 68gp / 266sp / 47cp / 2 gems (worth 200gp)

Liga Bur: 6pp / 68gp / 266sp / 47cp / 2 gems (worth 200gp)

Rifkin: 4pp / 34gp / 133sp / 24cp / 1 gem (worth 100gp)

Looking up, Rifkin smiles. 

"That divided up easily with full shares for you guys and a half-share for me. Only these two coins were undividable." 

Rifkin holds aloft two coins pinched between forefingers and thumbs. A single gold coin in his right hand and a single silver coin in his left.

His smile and eyes unwavering, Rifkin gestures to the substantial pile of magical items. 

"Who's going to divide this lot out?" 


  1. Man that's one hell of a haul!!

  2. The rapier is right up my street, but I of course would also put in a claim, sure to be contested, for the ring.
    I wants it, my preciousssss ...

  3. After Arowe’s stealthy entrance to the hidden valley, I’d have assumed he’d want the elves cloak and boots...

  4. After Arowe’s stealthy entrance to the hidden valley, I’d have assumed he’d want the elves cloak and boots...


Do we play or do we go now?

It’s been nearly four months since our last online session and over a month since my last overblown Orange-inn expositional post. I’ve hope...