Tuesday, 22 June 2021

Wild Woods Experience

After calculating the experience from the last three combat encounters, I noticed that my level of concern was inverse to the experience gained. The most 'rewarding' encounter was the forest clearing one with Tsigane and the Centaurs, followed by the Three-Quarterling magical pool one and lastly and leastly, the Poison Beer cell encounter.

Still, as you already knew, you all gained enough experience to climb another level.

Arowe: 11,287xp (5th level!)

Fortu: 11,172xp (5th level!)

Liga Bur: 11,100xp (5th level!)

Rifkin: 8,264xp (4th level!)

(Edited to include Post and Comment bonuses)


  1. Exciting adventure, entirely unique monsters, intriguing story arc, characterful NPCs, fat magic hoard and a level up. What more could we want!


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