Heaving on the reins to prevent his war-dog mount from approaching the magical pool, Liga Bur glances around. With the freakish owl-horse and tiny scorpion-man defeated, the battle is effectively won. Even the three-quarter scale guardian has fled to the temporary safety of the pool itself.
His team-mates though aren't in the best position to exploit the victory. His elven companion, Arowe, trapped under Fortu's gladiatorial net. Rifkin the bard, still hiding at the opening and his own 'loyal' dog: Mir Hundur, desperate to get to the calling pool.
Only Sir Briefadel, Fortu and he himself managed to resist the magical siren call of the mystical pool. As a Halfling brought up amongst orcs, he'd always considered is will equal to any but when he'd first felt the urging tug of the magical waters, he'd sensed a sort of armour around his mind and soul.
With a flash of insight, Liga Bur releases one hand from the reins and feels for his recently acquired pendant from the centaur camp. As soon as he has it in his grasp, he knows he's right.
Egrow and Rifkin assumed it to be a sort of protective charm but it's so much more than that!
Liga Bur has a Periapt of Wisdom +4!
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Ooh shiny! BUt doesn't do much in PCGen... Should it?
ReplyDeleteWIS bonus works OK, but no additional spells per day have appeared. The online SRDs aren't very clear about how much bonus is needed either 🤔
Liga Bur won't benefit from the extra spells until he's higher level but immediately gains a +2 bonus on his Will save and several useful Ranger skills, such as Listen, Spot and Survival (Track).