Sunday, 24 January 2021

Pah, where's the +4 Bastard sword of death

 Fortu examines the pile of treasure as Rifkin explains what he thinks each is good for.

Having no desire or affinity with the pipes and wand he suggests they either let Rifkin use them or sell them, more gold equals more healing potions. The sickle should also be sold as nobody uses that type, they may get lucky and find a wandering Druid who would be more than happy to buy it - more gold for healing potions. 

Clasping his Freedom amulet he knows he would rather keep that than swap for the new one, so is happy for either grumpy Liga Bur or fae-like Arowe to have.

He would though like to try one of the potions, preferably 'Bulls strength' but 'Barkskin' would be just as useful.

He looks over at the others and waits for their response...

Friday, 15 January 2021

A Fever Dream

IT was a fever-dream; I lay

Awake, as in the broad bright day,

But faint and worn I drew my breath

Like those who wait for coming death;

Fomenting stink the rats in hay

Bit through silk to skin dank and grey

Swarming around the numbered fighter.

Would I ever see the day dawn brighter;

Burst into day from fetid burrow

To pierce them through with gods own arrow

Soon with the numbers mercy's fewer;

Did we the vermin on willow skewer.

And now in fading health the night

Draws close; that we pray it might 

But be distanced and only seem

That is was all just a curse'ed fever dream.

Arowe's Perfect Shot!


Thursday, 14 January 2021

Camping by the Fire

Just to expedite the adventure a little, can we assume that you're going to rest up for the night under the roof of the main thatched building rather than camp twice on the journey back to Scar Burrow? The villain Koenig is dead and, just for your reassurance, the outer buildings have settled down to a warm smoulder and there is absolutely no chance of the main building catching light.

You will be safe.

Limping slightly, his ankle swollen from his bad landing from the mezzanine, Rifkin looks over with concern and gently places the back of his soft hand to Arowe's already warming brow.

"It seems like you've all been infected with 'Filth fever' from the multiple rat bites. It won't kill you but it's going to make you wish it would. We won't make it back to town before your symptoms get much, much worse."

Pacing in a circle to favour his ankle, his right hand stroking his chin, the handsome bard continues.

"I can treat the worst of Fortu's wounds but only a professional healer or priest will be able to treat the disease."

Pausing for dramatic effect, Rifkin's melodic voice drops lower.

"With our remaining cart and horse, the two mules and the tanners' wagon, I should be able to get us all home safe, but I suggest that we divide out the magical items before turning in..."

Fortu recovers 15Hps from Rifkin's musical magic.

Please allocate the treasure and magical items including to Rifkin if you choose to do so. 

Fourth and Last Session of the Rat King adventure!

Scott has spoken and the rest of us have responded...

Saturday the 30th Evening 8pm for the yUKers.
Sunday the 31st Morning 7am for the lone Ozzy.

Aiming for three hours so I can be in bed by 11:30pm.

Our roles have been allocated thus:

I write and DM the adventures.
Assif runs the 'Mapcam' and moves the figures.
David controls initiative and drives combat.
and Scott is in charge of scheduling the monthly games.

Every one of those jobs helps me enormously.

Started writing and already come up with an encounter leading to the next Module that made me laugh.


Tuesday, 12 January 2021

Inside Out


New Dates

Hi chaps,
How's this for a list of possible play dates? All of these are in Australia future time.

Sat 16th am or pm
Sun 17th am or pm

Sat 23rd am or pm
Sun 24th am or pm

Sat 30th am or pm
Sun 31st am or pm

Sat 6th am or pm
Sun 7th am or pm

Sat 20th am or pm
Sun 21st am or pm

In all cases, I'd prefer the am (my time) as I have no major plans yet, but am likely to get booked up for day trips and evening meals during the summer.


Do we play or do we go now?

It’s been nearly four months since our last online session and over a month since my last overblown Orange-inn expositional post. I’ve hope...