Tuesday, 12 January 2021

New Dates

Hi chaps,
How's this for a list of possible play dates? All of these are in Australia future time.

Sat 16th am or pm
Sun 17th am or pm

Sat 23rd am or pm
Sun 24th am or pm

Sat 30th am or pm
Sun 31st am or pm

Sat 6th am or pm
Sun 7th am or pm

Sat 20th am or pm
Sun 21st am or pm

In all cases, I'd prefer the am (my time) as I have no major plans yet, but am likely to get booked up for day trips and evening meals during the summer.


1 comment:

  1. Sneeky little posting. I've no problem doing an evening but it means the yUKers most do a Saturday night so Scott can be sitting around in his PJs on a Sunday rather than Monday morning.
    I vote for an 8pm Saturday the 30th start (7am Sunday for Scott) as it keeps us in our once-a-month schedule and allows me time to think, make and do.


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