Saturday, 31 October 2020
Spider Murphey's Law
Monday, 12 October 2020
Thursday, 8 October 2020
1,2,3,4...gonna need more hands to count this
Fortu sits and wonders at the gold in front of him.
Yes he nearly died, but he'd been doing that for the last 8 years. This time he got rewarded for it in gold instead of "still alive - good, here's some food you fight again tomorrow."
Looking across at the brightly dressed Arowe and the wee grumpy halfling Liga Bur he smiled. They might not have lasted long in the pit but they had his back when it mattered. He wasn't sure what plans Liga Bur had, but Arowe seemed intent on making a name for himself and seem happy with company. If they both survived longer maybe Fortu could be considered to having 'friends'
Wednesday, 7 October 2020
Same People, Same Places, Same Time Zones, Next Month?
Tuesday, 6 October 2020
Newly Minted
Wandering around the Market, the recently formed foursome, decide to continue their association, at least while selling their mutually acquired loot.
The charming Rifkin does the negotiating for the group, sweet talking the appropriate stall holders for their best prices. He's remarkably good at it and gets far higher exchanges than you anticipated.
Rifkin's reward for your help: 90gp
Robber's camp loot out of tents: 33gp, 48sp, 66cp
Tine's Wines: The gloating, fat vintner buys all 61 bottles of fine wine off of you for: 305gp
None of the other travelling traders are prepared to buy the remainder of your stuff but you find buyers in the town of Scar Burrow itself.
Smelta, the Dwarvern owner of the local Blacksmiths buys the Chainmail armour and heavy steel shield from Martha's dead guard, the five sets of Leather armour, stripped from the killed robbers, the five longswords and Little Joe's great axe for: 216gp
And Evard Yore, owner of the town Stables buys Martha's Donkey and wagon off you for: 25gp
Total: 659gp, 48sp, 66cp
Split three ways, as Rifkin remains grateful for the rescue and return of his father's mandolin.
Arowe: 253gp, 16sp, 22cp
Fortu: 253gp, 16sp, 22cp
Liga Bur: 253gp, 16sp, 22cp
Rifkin: 0gp
Add this to whatever unspent money you had left over after character creation. You may need it...
Monday, 5 October 2020
Experience the First
Turns out, that first encounter in the robber's camp was apparently 'Overpowering'!
Current experience, including in and out of game bonuses:
Experience: 4155 Level: 3
Experience: 4175 Level: 3
Liga Bur:
Experience: 4275 Level: 3
So no level ups yet but 50 bonus XP will be awarded to each character upon new background story post...
Sunday, 4 October 2020
Rifkin's Orange Inn Story
"You killed her?!"
Wiping the gore off of his sword, the wild afroed assassin smiles in response.
"Come on Rifkin, you knew what we're doing here. Did you imagine our victims would simply hand over their profits?"
Rifkin's stare shifts between the leader of his recently joined gang of robbers and the corpse.
"But we agreed to only rob the merchants on their way back from the fair... And she was just on her way there. She hadn't even sold her stock and worse, after Little Joe killed her guard, she'd surrendered. You didn't have to kill her!"
Spider Murphy's smile widens manically.
"Well we needed a loot cart and I figured the boys would enjoy the contents of her wagon. Killing Martha here was just for fun,"
Rifkin tries to step back but instead bumps into two of the gang members, who immediately pin his arms as Spider Murphy advances.
"I knew you were going to be too soft. You're a poet, not a thief and now I think, we have no use for you."
Sensing the danger, Rifkin shrugs his shoulders in supplication.
"I understand. Let me gather my stuff and I'll be out of your... hair."
Spider Murphy's smile evaporates as he unconsciously pats the unruly, sponge-like mass on his head.
"No. I don't think so. You can leave but your 'stuff' stays here."
Rifkin mouths a protest but Spider Murphy cuts him off.
"ALL your stuff!"
Saturday, 3 October 2020
Cute meet
Do we play or do we go now?
It’s been nearly four months since our last online session and over a month since my last overblown Orange-inn expositional post. I’ve hope...
Thought of the fantastic header above and considered myself a true genius. Sadly, after checking online, I found that this joke had been mad...
Welcome back to the world of Fissa gentle (and not so gentle) men! For slightly over a hundred years, life has been good. Since the long a...
Assif asked the question after the last session; “Why should we care about Sir Briefadel ?” It’s simultaneously a fair and unfair question...