Tuesday, 6 October 2020

Newly Minted

Wandering around the Market, the recently formed foursome, decide to continue their association, at least while selling their mutually acquired loot.

The charming Rifkin does the negotiating for the group, sweet talking the appropriate stall holders for their best prices. He's remarkably good at it and gets far higher exchanges than you anticipated.

Rifkin's reward for your help: 90gp

Robber's camp loot out of tents: 33gp, 48sp, 66cp

Tine's Wines: The gloating, fat vintner buys all 61 bottles of fine wine off of you for: 305gp

None of the other travelling traders are prepared to buy the remainder of your stuff but you find buyers in the town of Scar Burrow itself.

Smelta, the Dwarvern owner of the local Blacksmiths buys the Chainmail armour and heavy steel shield from Martha's dead guard, the five sets of Leather armour, stripped from the killed robbers, the five longswords and Little Joe's great axe for: 216gp

And Evard Yore, owner of the town Stables buys Martha's Donkey and wagon off you for: 25gp

Total: 659gp, 48sp, 66cp

Split three ways, as Rifkin remains grateful for the rescue and return of his father's mandolin.

Arowe: 253gp, 16sp, 22cp

Fortu: 253gp, 16sp, 22cp

Liga Bur: 253gp, 16sp, 22cp

Rifkin: 0gp

Add this to whatever unspent money you had left over after character creation. You may need it...


  1. Arowe thanks Rif and hands him 53 gp and change. Saying "buy yourself some nice clothes, as much as I love you in a loin cloth, you are going to have to be a lot more Dandy if you are going to travel with me!"

  2. Rifkin got his clothes back after you killed (almost) all the woodland robbers.
    He waves the money away with a:
    'There'll be plenty more opportunity for shared gold in our futures.'

  3. That's more than Liga Bur has ever seen. He retires :-p


Do we play or do we go now?

It’s been nearly four months since our last online session and over a month since my last overblown Orange-inn expositional post. I’ve hope...