Saturday, 18 July 2020

Module 1


  1. level appropriate.. those are some pretty scary rats and the old guy has like lvl 7 halitosis spell.
    your covers are always a pleasure :)

  2. Fantastic! Love the rat faces and expressions. They remind me a little bit of the Gophers in Caddyshack - and are all the scarier for it!

    I would love to see the cover in the best resolution you have though - just so I can zoom in on all the little rats :)

  3. That's weird. Maybe I uploaded it as 'low res' only?
    Can you not 'Click to enhance'?
    The module is a bit fuzzy on my phone but if you click the image, it re-renders itself as a clearer quality one.
    Can you read the body copy?

  4. Just tried looking at it on my little purple laptop. It is blurry but if you click on it it does become crystal clear. Unfortunately (on mine) it only shows the top half and doesn't allow you to scroll down to read the words.

  5. So, not as many puns but a few interesting little fun pieces.
    Did you everyone like my take on the AD&D banner head?
    Can anyone guess how many rats there are in the picture?
    Can you work out how many unique ones I actually drew?
    Does anyone understand the ‘random’ number in the top right corner?


Do we play or do we go now?

It’s been nearly four months since our last online session and over a month since my last overblown Orange-inn expositional post. I’ve hope...