Monday, 6 July 2020

A wish fulfilling lark or Shakespeare in the park?

There was a fair bit of chat today about what your new characters should be?
Daring Paladins, Shape-changing Druids, Glass Kobold Wizards?
Please feel free to choose whatever, whichever, whoever you want!
Will you be comrades-in-arms, scarred from a year long foreign crusade for an ungrateful King?
Three treacherous Assassins on a shared but deadly mission?
Perhaps just the traditional 'met in-a bar, rag-tag band of misfits, bound together by fate'?
The adventure's not even written yet and can easily be adjusted as we go.
Shall we play for laughs?
Will we go full method?
Maybe fall somewhere in the middle?
Personally, I'm not much of a role-player. As a player I mostly just play an idealised Ranger version of myself.
As a DM though, I can be a bit better. It helps that I only have to maintain character for a few minutes at a time but it's fun to try.
I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with but remember, just like before, I'm happy for a little adjustment after the first couple of sessions.
Good luck and get scribbling.


  1. I shall be a ranger.
    Sort of.
    Tee hee hee.

  2. Freaked out for a bit there until I worked out that the above message is from Scott.

  3. My ‘Ranger’ Mendez was actually a Barbarian:3/Fighter:4/Ranger:.The rest.

  4. Wait.., A sort of Ranger, some kind of Fighter and someone brave?
    Are you ALL going to be Fighter classes?


Do we play or do we go now?

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