Wednesday, 4 December 2024

The Bit-of-Both Bow

The frustrating feeling of impotent rage at the absent Sir Briefadel, coupled with the sense of ennui in regard to everything and everyone else, continues on into the sixth day. Even as the Elven Arowe takes an early trance to prepare himself for Hetzabah’s possible next attack, he ironically uses his emotional flatness to coldly consider its cause.

He’d been carrying his blackthorn bow around since finding it amongst the magical treasure in the Three-Quarterling’s cozy, cave-like home. It had been perfect; almost as if left there especially just for him. Enchanted to enhance his aim and power and its pull-strength had been, serendipitously, exactly right for his wiry Elven arms.

Then, when the desert merchant Whackeem had examined it and had praised its exceptional Elven craftsmanship and power, a slightly tipsy Arowe had paid scant attention. Merely assuming that the powers he already knew about were all that Whackeem was inferring. A slight sparkle of joy manages to surface though, as he remembers the fantastically useful, magical quiver he also got at the time.

Now though, he knows better and understands the Oath-bow’s true secret. With the spoken phrase, ‘Death to my enemy’, he can magnify his anger and channel it through the arrows he fires. These arrows then become much more accurate and deadly, potentially punching straight through his opponents. The consequence of this decision though is that his mind becomes an echo chamber to that self-same hate. Becoming indifferent to all other opponents, only to fixate on that ‘chosen one’ and if that ‘chosen one’ somehow manages to escape, he has to suffer through a week of rage, obsession and potentially, dramatically reduced combat capabilities. 

Although a fantastic weapon, its additional boon comes with a heavy price, making it both good and bad, a benefit and a curse. Arowe smiles ruefully again as a random thought pops into his head. His powerful, magical, Elven Longbow is, in fact… A double-edged sword! 


  1. I love Fortu's awesome sword, Arowes Oath bow is great; what actually did Liga Bur get, I must of missed something

  2. Liga Bur got a really nice ‘Lance of Pointiness’ (Keen) +3 from the dead Gnomish Knight Grimcrack Thinneedle. Damage 1d6+3 (x2 on a charging mount) with a 10% critical chance for Triple damage again..: 6d6+18. Max damage: 54 in one hit!

  3. This was one hell of a reveal... The amazing bow was somehow better and worse than I expected. Still bloody brilliant though

    1. It wouldn’t have been fair to give Fortu an awesome weapon without giving one to Arowe and one to Liga Bur. :)


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