Saturday 28 September 2024

Why Should You Care?

Assif asked the question after the last session; 

“Why should we care about Sir Briefadel?”

It’s simultaneously a fair and unfair question.

As a Party, you were sponsored by Sir Briefadel to find Estrid’s magical pool/portal. You were doing that for the sake of adventure and promised coin. (Coin that he was never going to pay.)

At the moment of your success however, Sir Briefadel betrayed you and magically transported (with the aid of Madame Morgana) himself, his lackey Egrow and about thirty soldiers to your position. After which, you fought a bloody battle, where you swapped sides and found yourselves fighting back-to-back with Magritte the Satyr and the other Fey creatures against Sir Briefadel’s troops. 

You won the battle and captured the ‘Wizard’ Egrow but Sir Briefadel and his phenomenally intelligent Hawk; Sephony, managed to get to the pool and escape through the dimensional portal. 

It was at that point that Estrid, the goddess of the pool pleaded for your help to pursue Sir Briefadel and stop him doing whatever he was attempting and to prevent him, at all costs, from returning back through her pool.

It should be obvious by now, that beyond just being an evil dick, Sir Briefadel is consorting with actual demonic creatures and is attempting to raise an army of the damned to destroy his father; Lord Urderal, along with a huge chunk of the continent.

Individually, it’s a slightly more difficult question. Why should a Halfling, a Human and an Elf risk their lives and chase a whinging, vengeful Aristocrat through the void between worlds?

Arowe’s introductory story, painted him as a flamboyant, drama seeking Elf, desperate for fame and glory.

Fortu’s was about brutal death, a lack of autonomy and the anguish of not knowing his own past.

Liga Bur’s dealt with the mystery of his Orcish upbringing and the loss, of not just one family, but his unknown Halfling one too!

It’s my ‘job’ as the DM, to try to tie these three backstories into the thread if the overarching adventure story but it’s also your responsibility to actively engage in it.

Is travelling into the Fey realm, battling living trees and werewolves before passing through multi-world dimensions, not enough of an adventure for the drama hungry Arowe?

Is the recognition that Liga Bur felt, as he saw the Hag’s eyes flash ‘demonic’ red like the ‘Red-eyed’ Orc clan that slaughtered his Orc tribe, not enough to drive his urge for revenge, or at least, his curiosity to find a link between these two events?

Is Fortu’s heart not filled with a desire to learn more about the magical, indestructible, seemingly symbolic sword he now possesses? An enigma, that’s perhaps more solvable than the frustrating mystery of his own personal history?

I’ve tried pretty hard to create an enticing world for you three to explore and a hopefully exciting adventure. Ultimately though, it’s down to you as the Players to choose to engage in the story. All I can do is offer, hopefully fun/interesting plot hooks; it’s up to you three to bite. 

Should you continue to chase Sir Briefadel into Hell itself? The only reason you caught him the first time, was because he (overconfidently) waited around for several days, just in an attempt to recruit you. Perhaps you should return to Fissa to warn Estrid or even Lord Urdurel that his son is raising a fiendish army for vengeance and conquest? Or you could disentangle yourselves from this responsibility and look for another cause or adventure.

Ultimately, you can decide that you’ve seen enough of the world(s), that adventuring isn’t for you after all and just retire. You’re all certainly rich enough now. It’s entirely up to you.


  1. Im kinda leaning to returning to Estrid, Fissa. Briedefel as flown away so tracking him is off the cards. In a meta way going back to Estrid will cause trouble with the Druid, but as charactures we dont know that.
    As to Fortu's awesome sword, its a sword - a tool of death. All through his life he's been taught to kill various ways. This to him is just a very effective weapon.

    1. I thought Fortu (and therefore the Henchies) might have (mistakenly) considered joining Sir Briefadel's cause, after your previous posts and comments.
      I'd have really enjoyed the balcony debate with Fortu, Liga Bur, Arowe, Rifkin, Henshaw, Barbella, Doberman, Sir Briefadel and Hetzabah arguing the pros and cons!
      True, even with Liga Bur's phenomenal skill, it'd be pretty hard to track a flying horse through the desert.
      You, pretty much, know where he's heading for though.

  2. I was tempted to side with Briefadel, still chafing from Estrids treatment and hostility to humans. But it boils down to Briefadel being an 'owner' (and all round douche).

  3. Briefadel is more of a dick than Estrid is a bitch. The lesser of two, if you will. Briefadel has vanished, the trail is cold so what next?

    Do we know Urdurel? Or even where he is?

    I'm probably leaning towards trying to get back to Estrid, ideally without jumping through all those portals again if possible. Liga Bur has nothing else to do and retiring sounds boring. Even if he did retire he'd want to warn Estrid that Briefadel got away.

    1. Beyond what you've learned in-game about Sir Briefadel's father, you all should know various amounts of something concerning Lord Urdurel and the 'Kingdom of Stowan'...
      I really should do/write something to rectify that.

  4. Warning estrid is easy though. Summon the pixie. She may even be able to extract us from the darkness ...

    1. That's a clever and interesting use for the Pixie; Shenanigan but I think you're vastly overestimating the scope of (very small g) goddess Estrid's power.


Reflections in the Dark: Arowe

Loosing yet another shaft from his suddenly righteous 'Oath-bow', Arowe howls in a fury that surprises himself, as the arrowhead, s...