Thursday, 17 August 2023

Dream into action

 As Fortu slowly runs the whetstone along the edge of his new sword, purely out of habit as the new blade has a finer edge than Fortu has ever known, he absently listens as Riffers explains the latest split of treasure. Coming from the pits where personal wealth was unknown he has no real concept of the worth of the gold and gems Riffers divides and has always trusted that the Bard was honest and new best. So he had little interest in his explanation and was paying very little attention until...

The bard held up the small dagger, as he did it caught a glint from somewhere and Fortu blinked. Laying down his sword and whetstone he felt drawn to the dagger, the edge appeared wavy at first but as he approached it took on a more serrated line.

"Riffers mate lets have a look at the knife"

 Rifkin smiled as he handed over the weapon, expecting the large fighter to belittle the small knife. "Looking for a shaving knife?" he jested.

Fortu took the blade, as he turned it around to inspect he was sure he noticed Moody flinch as the blade's shadow past over him. The dagger was exactly the same as the one from his dream; he remembered the look of the serrated edge as it tore through Moody's throat, the warmth of the mages life blood as it drained over his hands and the slight gasp of his last exhalation of breath.

 Without realising it, he stood taller, flexed and glared around "unless anyone else wants it? yeah I may just have a use for this blade."


  1. Fortu will have the Jambiya +2, erm not sure why just yet.......

  2. 'Flexed and Glared around'? Fortu's alpha-maleness is starting to show!


Do we play or do we go now?

It’s been nearly four months since our last online session and over a month since my last overblown Orange-inn expositional post. I’ve hope...