Saturday, 15 July 2023

Don't Wanna be... All by Myself!

The magical (protection from heat-stroke) water, from the dead Druid; Zyphir's well lasted seven days. Unfortunately, the journey from the Portal hiding Oasis to Valdez city has taken Rifkin, (with and without his companions) just over eight! The Bard used up all his and Tsigane's remaining natural water on the last day's trek and he's truly struggling by the time he spots the magnificent, yellow walled city in the distance. Another few hours and he'd certainly have died. The summoned Centaur; Tsigane's heroic gallop probably saved his life... For the second time!

It's still morning when Rifkin arrives at the main gate. The two guards are alarmed at his weakened and dehydrated state but accept him as a local, due to his darkly bearded appearance, hazel eyes and traditional silk attire. Just a native Human in a city full of humans.

After gulping down his fill of the water offered and cooling down under the large outer awnings, Rifkin sells the guards a yarn about how his camel died mid-journey and thanks/bribes them with ten gold coins apiece to allow him entry to the city with no further questions asked.

Once inside though, Rifkin is amazed by the life and vibrancy hidden by the outer wall. Brightly dressed children playing in the open spaces. Stall vendors selling everything from groceries to fashionable handbags and greenery! There are well tended trees and floral bushes everywhere, despite the lack of water outside. It's a chaotic but beautiful and very Human sight.
Momentarily distracted by the sounds, sights and smells, the disguised Bard shakes his head and steels his thoughts. He’s got more urgent matters to attend to. 

His friends, if they’re still alive, need his help!


  1. Like most large cities, a thin veneer of civility covering the decay and degeneracy of its thriving heart. Maybe Estrid is right....!!?

  2. There has to be a mini-novel in this, right? All of our adventures.

    I love how your description made me feel exactly what it would be like to walk out of the desert into the throbbing heart of Marakesh.

    1. Glad you're allowing yourself to be sucked into the story. :)


Do we play or do we go now?

It’s been nearly four months since our last online session and over a month since my last overblown Orange-inn expositional post. I’ve hope...