Wednesday, 19 July 2023

The Bad, the Worse and the Ugly

The three men stand in a line opposite the gigantic, blood red scorpion. Although, flatter and wider, it has to be bigger than a horse! It's multiple bead-like eyes reflect the three suns currently overhead, its pincers and mandibles snap eagerly and its articulated, vicious looking, poison-filled stinger is already poised ready to strike.

The creature's currently held in place by two thick chains, held taught on either side but as soon as the second trumpet sounds, it'll be released.

Barbella shifts nervously in the sand. He's swapped his chainmail for a lighter chain shirt but he's still sweltering.

"What do we do? Where should I stab it?"

Henshaw looks down at his recently acquired, magically enhanced shield before answering.

"Honestly? I think we're probably going to die."

Doberman looks up at both of them with his big, dumb face.

"Don't worry. I squish the big bug good."

At the sound of the second trumpet blast and the subsequent clunk of the arachnid creatures manacles releasing, Henshaw shrugs.

"Well, it's been good knowing you boys."


  1. I like Doberman. A straightforward chap. A man you can trust to act without thinking. I'l shouldn't have trouble role-playing him!

    1. He only has two modes: Sleep and charge! :D


Do we play or do we go now?

It’s been nearly four months since our last online session and over a month since my last overblown Orange-inn expositional post. I’ve hope...