Monday, 19 June 2023

The Results of Whackeem's 'Generosity'

After everyone had bargained and dealt with the the exuberant 'Vendor of magical delights', the seven members of the Party sat down and assessed their profits and losses.


As his already damaged Bastard sword was shattered by the Orc guards, Whackeem gave Fortu a slight discount on a superior +1 Magical Bastard sword (No glow). 

Liga Bur: 

Negotiated for (But was still surprised to get) a Small +1 Composite Longbow for Strength: 10


Received the magical item he didn't know he wanted: A fully loaded Quiver of Ehlonnar
(It currently contains (Free Gratis): 60 x Arrows / 18 x Javelins / 1 x Composite Longbow Strength: 14 / 5 x Spears)


Seizing the rare opportunity, the Human guard successfully swaps his recently acquired +1 Cold-Iron Short-sword for a set of +1 Magical Breast-plate armour.
He's shocked though that the armour came with change. A lot of change! 
Asking Whakeem if it's enough for a heavy steel magical shield, he's disappointed to discover he's 250gp shy. Fortunately Fortu loans him the gold and Henshaw gets a +1 Wankel style Large heavy steel shield as well.


The Bard asks for nothing but takes the opportunity to sell the nine Scrolls that neither he or Liga Burr could decipher. He negotiates for well over a thousand gold (a surprisingly good deal) and divides it fairly into everybody's agreed share.

Current Gold amounts: 
(I can't be bothered to work out what it is in gems, silver and copper.)


Despite loaning Henshaw the 250gp without much concern, he's still surprised when the straw-haired soldier immediately hands over the entire100gp he just got from Rifkin.

Gold: 700gp (Still owed 150gp by Henshaw.)


Gold: 1300gp

Liga Bur: 

Gold: 725gp


Gold: 1231gp


Gold: 0gp (Still owes Fortu 150gp)


Gold: 204gp 


Gold: 202gp (Already accidentally lost several coins.)

Update your character sheets and include the gold in your encumbrance stats.

1 comment:

Do we play or do we go now?

It’s been nearly four months since our last online session and over a month since my last overblown Orange-inn expositional post. I’ve hope...